Complete your degree at Penn State Altoona. Baccalaureate degrees, associate degrees, and minors are available.
Bachelor's Degrees
In addition to the bachelor's degrees listed below, Penn State Altoona offers numerous associate degrees, minor programs, and the first two years of over 275+ majors that can be started here and completed at another Penn State location.
- Accounting, B.S. | [email protected]
- Biology, B.S. | [email protected]
Options: General, Ecology, and Vertebrate Physiology - Business, B.S. | [email protected]
Options: Accounting, Individualized Business, Management and Marketing, and Entrepreneurship - Communications, B.A. | [email protected]
- Creative Writing (see English, B.A.) | [email protected]
- Criminal Justice, B.A., B.S. | [email protected]
- Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations, B.S. | [email protected]
- Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology, B.S. | [email protected]
- Elementary and Early Childhood Education, B.S. | [email protected]
Option: Elementary Education Teaching - English, B.A. | [email protected]
Concentrations: Creative Writing, Technical Writing, Global Narratives - Environmental Studies, B.A., B.S. | [email protected]
- History, B.A. | [email protected]
- Human Development and Family Studies, B.S. | [email protected]
Option: Life Span Human Services - Information Technology, B.S. | [email protected]
- Kinesiology, B.S. | [email protected]
Options: Movement Science, Exercise Science - Mechanical Engineering, B.S. | [email protected]
- Multidisciplinary Studies, B.A. | [email protected]
- Nursing, B.S.N. Second Degree B.S.N. | [email protected]
Options: General Nursing, Second Degree - Psychology, B.A., B.S. | [email protected]
Options: Business, Science - Rail Transportation Engineering, B.S. | [email protected]
- Security and Risk Analysis, B.S. | [email protected]
Option: Information and Cyber Security - Visual Art Studies, B.A. | [email protected]
Associate Degrees Available at Penn State Altoona
- Business Administration, A.S.
- Criminal Justice, A.S.
- Human Development and Family Studies, A.S.
Options: Adult Development & Aging and Children, Youth, & Families - Multidisciplinary Studies, A.S.
- Science, A.S.
Minor Programs
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Communications
- Criminal Justice
- Dance Studies
- Engineering Leadership Development
- English
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Studies
- Global Language and Culture
- History
- Human Development and Family Studies
- Mathematics
- Mathematics Applications
- Political Science
- Professional Writing
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Vocal Studies
- Women's Studies
Exploring Minors Offered at Other Penn State Locations
In most cases, students do not have to be enrolled in the college that offers a particular minor in order to pursue that minor. For example, a student can be enrolled in a Penn State Altoona major and still pursue a minor offered at another location as long as Altoona offers the courses required for the minor.
Note, however, that a student may not change from a campus that offers their major to a campus that does not offer the major in order to complete a minor.
For more information about Penn State Minors, visit the Undergraduate Bulletin.