Please consult the Undergraduate Bulletin for current course requirements.
College of Agricultural Sciences
- All Majors – Ag 150
- Agribusiness Management - AGBM 101 (GS) or ECON 102 (GS), ECON 104 (GS)
- Agricultural and Extension Education - AEE 100, BIOL 110 (GN), EDPSY 14, EDTHP 115
- Agricultural Science - CHEM 130 (GN) or 110 (GN) and 111 (GN), BIOL 110 (GN), BISC 3 (GN)
- Animal Sciences - BIOL 110 (GN), CHEM 110 (GN) and 111 (GN), ECON 102 (GS)
- BioRenewable Systems - CHEM 110 (GN) and 111 (GN), ECON 104 (GS), EDSGN 100, MATH 110 (GQ) or 140 (GQ), PHYS 211 (GN) or 250 (GN)
- Community, Environment, and Development - AGBM 101 (GS) or ECON 102 (GS), ECON 104 (GS), GEOG 160 (GS), RSOC 11 (GS) or SOC 1 (GS)
- Environmental Resource Management - BIOL 110 (GN), CHEM 110 (GN) and 111 (GN), ECON 102 (GS), MATH 110 (GQ) or 140 (GQ)
- Food Science - BIOL 110 (GN), CHEM 110 (GN) and 111 (GN), FDSC 200, MATH 110 (GQ) or 140 (GQ), HIST 111 (GH)
- Forest Ecosystem Management - BIOL 110 (GN), CHEM 110 (GN) and 111 (GN), ECON 102 (GS), STAT 200 (GQ) or STAT 240 (GQ) or STAT 250 (GQ); and for some options: MATH 110 (GQ) or 140 (GQ)
- Immunology and Infectious Disease - BIOL 110 (GN), CHEM 110 (GN) and 111 (GN), MATH 140 (GQ)
- Landscape Contracting - ART 20 (GA), BIOL 110 (GN) or BIOL 127 (GN), HORT 101 (GN), LARCH 60 (GA), SOILS 101 (GN)
- Plant Sciences - BIOL 110 (GN), CHEM 110 (GN) and 111 (GN), HORT 101 (GN), SOILS 101 (GN)
- Toxicology - BIOL 110 (GN), CHEM 110 (GN) and 111 (GN), MATH 140 (GQ)
- Turfgrass Science - BIOL 110 (GN), BIOL 127 (GN), CHEM 130 (GN) or 110 (GN), SOILS 101 (GN)
- Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences - BIOL 110 (GN), CHEM 110 (GN) and 111 (GN), MATH 140 (GQ)
- Wildlife and Fisheries Science - BIOL 110 (GN), CHEM 110 (GN) and 111 (GN), ECON 104 (GS), MATH 110 (GQ) or 140 (GQ)
College of Arts & Architecture
- Acting – Dance 270 (GHW), THEA 102 (GA), THEA 150, Dance 370, Thea 289
- Architecture - ART 10 (GA), ART 20 (GA), ART H 201 (GA; IL), ART H 202 (GA; US; IL), ARCH 100 (GA), MATH 26 (GQ) or higher, submit portfolio (Art 165, Art 168)
- Art - ART 20 (GA), ART 30 (GA), ART 50 (GA), ART 80 (GA), ART 110 (Art 165, Art 168)
- Art Education - AED 101S (FYS), AED 225 (GA; US)
- Art History - ARTH 1S (GA), ARTH 111 (GA; IL), ARTH 112 (GA; IL), ARTH 120 (GA; IL), ARTH 130 (GA; US; IL), ARTH 140 (GA ;IL)
- Graphic Design - CAS 175 (GH), GD 100 (GA), IST 110 (GS), PHOTO 100 (GA) (Art 165, Art 168)
- Landscape Architecture - ART 10 (GA), LARCH 60 (GA), LARCH 65 (GA;US;IL), BIOL 011 (GN) and 12 (GN) or BIOL 127 (GN), EARTH 100 (GN), GEOG 20 (GS;US;IL), GEOG 30 (GS;IL), GEOG 115 (GN), GEOSC 10 (GN), SOILS 101 (GN), ART 20 (GA), MATH 26 (GQ) or higher (Art 165, Art 168)
- Music; Music Education; Musical Arts - MUSIC 4 (GA), MUSIC 5 (GA), MUSIC 7 (GA;US), MUSIC 8 (GA), MUSIC 9 (GA;IL), MUSIC 50 (GA), MUSIC 51 (GA) or ensemble courses or private lessons
- Theatre - THEA 105 or THEA 100 (GA), THEA 102 (GA), THEA 289 (GA)
Smeal College of Business
- All majors - ECON 102 (GS), ECON 104, SCM 200 or STAT 200 (GQ), MATH 110 or 140 (GQ)
- Actuarial Science - MATH 140 (GQ)
Bellisario College of Communications
- Advertising/Public Relations - ENGL 15 or 30 (GWS), ECON 102 (GS), PSYCH 100 (GS), COMM 118 (GS) or 110 (GH)
- Film and Video - COMM 150 (GA), ENGL 15 or 30 (GWS)
- Journalism - ENGL 15 or 30 (GWS), COMM 160, COMM 180 (GS), COMM 205 (US) (GS effective SP15)
- Media Studies - COMM 100 (GS), ENGL 15 or 30 (GWS), COMM 110 (GH), COMM 118 (GS), COMM 150 (GA), COMM 205 (US) (GS effective SP15)
- Telecommunications - ECON 102 (GS), ENGL 15 or 30 (GWS), COMM 180 (GS)
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
- Earth Science and Policy - BIOL 110 (GN), GEOG 126 (GS), GEOSC 1 and 20 (GN), PLSC 1 (GS)
- Earth Sciences - CHEM 110 and 111 (GN), GEOG 30 (GS), GEOSC 20 (GN), METEO 3 (GN)
- Energy, Business and Finance - ECON 102 (GS), MATH 140 (GQ), EBF 200 (GS), ECON 302 (GS)
- Energy Engineering, Environmental Systems Engineering; Mining Engineering; Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering - MATH 140 (GQ), CHEM 110 and 111 (GN), PHYS 211 (GN)
- Geobiology - BIOL 110 (GN), MATH 140 (GQ), CHEM 110 and 111 (GN), GEOSC 001
- Geography - GEOG 10 (GN), GEOG 20 (GS), GEOG 30 (GS), GEOG 160 (GS)
- Geosciences - GEOSC 1, MATH 140 (GQ), CHEM 110 and 111 (GN)
- Materials Science and Engineering - MATH 140 (GQ), CHEM 110 and 111 (GN), MATSE 112 (GN), PHYS 211 (GN)
- Meteorology - METEO 101 (GN), MATH 140 (GQ), PHYS 211 (GN)
College of Education
- All majors for teacher certification (not RHS or EPP) - EDPSY 14
- EARLY CHILDHOOD & ELEMENTARY EDUCATION - EDTHP 115, EDPSY 11/ HDFS 229 (GS), HIST 20, HIST 21, HIST 12 (GH) or SOC 119 (GS), Engl Literature courses (CMLIT or ENGL) (for PK-4), MATH 30 (GQ), STAT 100 or STAT 200(GQ)
- MIDDLE LEVEL EDUCATION – EDTHP 115, HD FS 239, Engl Literature courses (CMLIT or Literature), course in subject area (English, Math or Social Sciences) 4-8 grade
- Education and Public Policy - EDTHP 115, LER 100 (GS), PL SC 14 or PL SC 7 (GS), SOC 30 (GS), WMNST 301 (GS), PHIL 10 or PHIL 12 or PHIL 103(GH), SOC 119 (GS) HD FS 239, (GS)
- Rehabilitation and Human Services - PSYCH 100 (GS), SOC 1 (GS), RHS 100 (GS), SOC 119 (GS), ANTH 21, BI SC 1, 2, 3 or 4 (GN), EDPSY 101 or STAT 100 or STAT 200 (GQ), HD FS 239 (GS)
- Secondary Education – HD FS 239 (GS), course in subject area (7 to 12 grade)
College of Engineering
- All majors except Computer Science and Computer Engineering- MATH 140 (GQ), CHEM 110 (GN), EDSGN 100 - MATH 140 (GQ), PHYS 211 (GN), EDSGN 100, ECON 102 or ECON 104 (GS) (some majors will take ECON 14)
- Computer Science - CMPSC 131 (GQ), MATH 140 (GQ) For students with lower math scores and unsure as to what Computer Science is, IST 110/SRA 111 should be the GS course)
- Computer Engineering - MATH 140 (GQ), CHEM 110 (GQ), CMPSC 131 (GQ), ECON 102 or 104
- Computational Data Sciences – MATH 140, STAT 200, CMPSC 131 (GQ), IST 110 (GS)
College of Health and Human Development
- Biobehavioral Health - BBH 101 (GHA), PSYCH 100 (GS), HDFS 129 (GS), BIOL 161 (GN), BIOL 110 (GN)
- Communication Sciences and Disorders - PSYCH 100 (GS), CSD 146, CSD 100 (GHA), CSD 230 (GHA), CSD 269 (GHA), HDFS 129 (GS), BI SC 2 (GN) or BI SC 4 (GN) or PHYS 1(GN) or INART 50 (GN), EDPSY 14
- Health Policy and Administration - HPA 101, PLSC 1 (GS), ECON 102 (GS), HPA 57 (GHA), BI SC 004 (GN) or BIOL 161 (GN)
- Human Development and Family Studies - HDFS 129 (GS), HDFS 229 (GS), HDFS 239 (GS), HDFS 249 (GS), EDPSY 101 or STAT 200 (GQ)
- Kinesiology/Athletic Training - BIOL 161 (GN), KINES 100, KINES 101 MATH 22/26 (GQ), PSYCH 100 (GS)
- Nutritional Sciences - NUTR 251 (GHA), CHEM 130 or 110 (GN), BIOL 161 (GN), PSYCH 100 (GS) or HDFS 129 (GS), HIST 111(GS)
- Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management - RPTM 101, RPTM 120, RPTM 236, STAT 100 or STAT 200 or EDPSY 101 (GQ)
- Hospitality Management - HM 201, HM 202, ECON 102(GS), (Math 4 if needed), STAT 200 or SCM 200 (GQ), NUTR 100 or 251 (GHW)
College of Information Sciences and Technology
- Information Sciences and Technology - IST 110 (GS), IST 140 (Math 22 placement or higher), Math 110 (GQ)
- Security and Risk Analysis - SRA 111 (GS), IST 140 (Math 22 placement or higher), STAT 200 (GQ), Math 22
- Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations - CYPER 100, Math 110 (GQ), SRA 111 (GS),
- Applied Data Sciences –IST 110, STAT 200 (GQ), CMPSC 131 (GQ), Math 140 (GQ)
College of Liberal Arts
- African Studies - AFR 110 (GS), AFR 191 (GH), AFR 192 (GH),
- African American Studies - AFAM 100 (GS), AFAM 110 (GS), AFAM 139 (GH/US)
- Anthropology - ANTH 2 (GS), ANTH 9 (GS), ANTH 21 (GN), ANTH 45 (GS), ANTH 120 (GS/IL)
- Archaeological Science - ANTH 2 (GS), ANTH 11 (GS), ANTH 21 (GN), ANTH 45 (GS); BIOL 110 (GN) or CHEM 110 and 111 (GN), SOILS 101 (GN), STAT 200 (GQ)
- Asian Studies - Chinese, Japanese, Hindi, or Korean language classes, ASIA 100 (GH), CHNS 121 (GH), CMLIT 4 (GH), HIST 175 (GH), RLST 3 (GH) [: CMLIT 4U, ASIA 83U (FYS, GH)]
- Biological Anthropology - ANTH 2 (GS), ANTH 21 (GN), ANTH 45 (GS), BIOL 110 (GN), CHEM 110 and 111 (GN), MATH 140 (GQ)
- Chinese - Chinese language classes, ARTH 120 (GA), ASIA 4 (GH), ASIA 100 (GH), CHNS 121 (GH), CMLIT 4, HIST 174 (GH), HIST 175 (GH)
- Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies - Greek or Latin language classes, CAMS 1 (GH), CAMS/HIST 5, CAMS 25 (GH), CAMS 33 (GH), CAMS 45 (GH)
- Communication Arts & Sciences - CAS 101 (GS), CAS 175 (GH), CAS 203 (GS), CAS 206 (GH), CAS 250
- Comparative Literature - CMLIT 4 (GH;IL), CMLIT 5 (GH;US;IL), CMLIT 10 (GH;IL), CMLIT 101 (GH;US;IL), CMLIT 106 (GH;IL), CMLIT 107 (GH;IL), CMLIT 108 (GH;IL), CMLIT 128 (GH;US;IL), CMLIT 130 (GH;IL), CMLIT 143 (GH;US;IL), CMLIT 153 (GH;IL), CMLIT 184/ENGL 184 (GH;IL) [: CMLIT 4U (GH), CMLIT 10U (GH), CMLIT 108U (GH)]
- Criminology - CRIM/SOC 12 (GS), CRIM 100/CRIM J 100 (GS), SOC 1 or SOC 5 (GS)
- Economics - ECON 102 (GS), ECON 104 (GS) (ECON 106 is not a good choice for a first economics course unless the student is very confident in math; it is a very quantitative course that covers most of the material in STAT 200. It is also not a gen ed and not part of the minor.) MATH 110 or 140 (GQ) for the B.S. degree
- English - ENGL 50 (GA), ENGL 111, ENGL 201 (GH), any ENGL (GH)
- French and Francophone Studies - courses in the language (e.g., FR 1, 2, 3, or higher)
- German - courses in the language (e.g., GER 1, 2, 3, or higher)
- Global and International Studies - GLIS 101 (GS;IL)
- History - 100-level HIST (GS, GH); HIST 1, 2, 12, 20 or 21 (GH)
- International Politics - PLSC 1 (GS), PLSC 3 (GS;IL), PLSC 14 (GS:IL), PLSC 22 (GS;IL) [PLSC 3H, PLSC 14H]
- Italian - courses in the language (e.g., IT 1, 2, 3, or higher), IT 131 (GH)
- Japanese - courses in the language (e.g., JAPNS 1, 2, 3, or higher), ASIA 100 (GH;IL), CMLIT 4 (GH;IL), JAPNS 120 (GH:IL), HIST 175 (GH;IL) [ CMLIT 4U]
- Jewish Studies - JST 10 (GH)
- Labor and Human Resources - LER 100 (GS), LER 201 (GS), ECON 102 (GS), PSYCH 100 (GS)
- Latin American Studies - Portuguese or Spanish language courses, ANTH 45 (GS), SPAN 131 (GH)
- Latin American Studies minor - LTNST 100 (GH)
- Medieval Studies - MEDVL 107 (GH) or 108 (GH)
- Philosophy - PHIL 1 (GH), 3 (GH), or 103 (GH)
- Political Science - PLSC 1 (GS), PLSC 3 (GS; IL), PLSC 14 (GS;IL), PLSC 22 (GS;IL) [: PLSC 3H, PLSC 14H]
- Psychology - PSYCH 100 (GS), STAT 200
- Russian - courses in the language (e.g., RUS 1, 2, 3, or higher), RUS 100 (GH;IL), GER 143/RUS 143 (GH;IL)
- Social Data Analysis - PLSC 1 (GS), PLSC 3 (GS; IL), PLSC 14 (GS;IL), CMPSC 131 (GQ) PLSC 3H, PLSC 14H], MATH 140 (GQ), IST 110 (GS)
- Sociology - SOC 1 (GS), 3 (GS), 5 (GS), 12 (GS) or 119 (GS)
- Spanish - courses in the language (e.g., SPAN 1, 2, 3, or higher)
- Women's Studies - WMNST 100 (GS;US;IL), WMNST 106 (GH;US;IL): WMNST 100U (GS), WMNST 106U (GH)]
College of Nursing
- Nursing - BIOL 161 and 162 (GN), SOC 1 (GS) or 5 (GS) or HD FS 129 (GS) or PSYCH 100 (GS), NUTR 251 (GHW)
Eberly College of Science
- Astronomy; Astrophysics; Planetary Science - ASTRO 20S, PHYS 211 (GN), MATH 140 (GQ)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Biotechnology; Microbiology - CHEM 110 and 111 (GN), MATH 140B (GQ), MICRB 201*, STAT 200 (GQ)
- Biology - BIOL 110 (GN), CHEM 110 and 111 (GN), MATH 140B (GQ)
- Chemistry; Physics - CHEM 110 and 111 (GN), PHYS 211 (GN), MATH 140 (GQ)
- Forensic Science - BIOL 110 (GN), CHEM 110 and 111 (GN), FRNSC 100, MATH 140B (GQ), CRIM J 100
- Mathematics; Statistics - MATH 140 (GQ)
- Pre-medicine - BIOL 110 (GN), CHEM 110 and 111 (GN), MATH 140B (GQ), PSYCH 100 (GS), SOC 1 (GS) or SOC 5(GS), STAT 200 or STAT 240 or STAT 250(GQ)
- Science - BIOL 110 (GN), CHEM 110 and 111 (GN), MATH 140 (GQ)
- *MICRB 201 has CHEM 110 as a prerequisite.
- Statistical Modeling Analysis – MATH 140, CMPSC 131, STAT 200, IST 110