Grade Forgiveness enables students to repeat a course in which they earned less than a C grade. The new grade replaces the original grade and is calculated into the GPA.
Grade forgiveness can only be requested after the student has repeated the course and earned a higher grade.
Students have a maximum of twelve credits for which grades can be forgiven (six credits for an associate's degree)
Only grades of D or F can be forgiven.
Before requesting Grade Forgiveness, contact the Financial Aid Office to discuss any possible implications, if aid is received.
Once the grade for the repeated class has been posted to the student’s academic record, Grade Forgiveness can be requested by clicking “Academic Records” and then “Grade Forgiveness” in LionPATH. An adjusted GPA calculation cannot be reversed.
The original grade remains on the transcript. A notation is added indicating the course(s) for which a grade has been omitted from the GPA.
Students who have graduated are not eligible for Grade Forgiveness.
Grade Forgiveness Request Instructions