A What-if Report from LionPATH shows how your completed and current courses apply toward requirements of any major or minor.
It is a useful tool for schedule planning and to discuss academic progress with your adviser.
The report shows requirements for:
- Entrance to major
- Graduation
- General Education
- Major courses
- Option/supporting courses
- Electives
- Courses not used toward the degree
Tutorial of how to get a What-if report
Videos for LionPATH degree audits from the Smeal College of Business
Click on "Planning and Degree Progress" from the LionPATH homepage. Click on "What-if Report" in the left column. Use the default dates that appear. Use pull down menus to select the college, major, option of your choice. Click on "Submit Report".
Areas with completed requirements will be condensed, clicking on the green triangle will expand the area. Courses with a yellow diamond are in progress.
To print a What-if report, click on the "View as a PDF" button at the top of the report. A pdf which can be printed will appear in another window with the requirements to be completed listed in red font.