17th Annual Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Fair
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Adler Athletic Complex
Presentations and Results
Performances and Exhibitions
- 1st place: Hope Weidemann; adviser: Erin Murphy
- 2nd place: Aaron Artz; adviser: Steven Andrews
- 3rd place: Raya Kenepp and Victoria Violet; adviser: Megan Simpson
Oral Presentations
Arts & Humanities
- 1st place: Elijah Boyd-Plamondon; adviser: Kyle King
- 2nd place: Dustin Smith; adviser: Doug Page
- 3rd place: Michael Schrack; adviser: Doug Page
Engineering, Computing, and Information Sciences and Technology
- 1st place: Eric Crisp and Makayla Ianuzzi; adviser: Grant Risha
- 2nd place: Dillon Over and Makayla Ianuzzi; adviser: Grant Risha & Jeffrey Moore
- 3rd place: Matthew Littler and Benjamin Smith; adviser: Grant Risha & Jeffrey Moore
Health and Life Sciences
- 1st place: Tracy Yu; adviser: Lara LaDage
- 2nd place: Jordan Wolfkill; adviser: Carolyn Mahan
- 3rd place: Carolyn Telfer; adviser: Corien Bakermans
Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, and Business
- 1st place: Justin Kelly; adviser: Nicholas Rowland
- 2nd place: Cynthia Baum; adviser: Sandra Petrulionus & Tom Shaffer
- 3rd place: Makayla Plants, Marcella Kishlock, and Jose Hernandez; adviser: Cynthia Woods & Melissa Kohler
- 1st place: Alexandria Reisinger, Sarah Stelle, and Mackenzie Gardner; adviser: Cathy Dillen
- 2nd place: Charles Goe, Richard Satira, Christine Germscheid, and Brittany Umstead; adviser: Cathy Dillen
- 3rd place: Hailey Cleveland; adviser: Julie Decker
- 1st place: Christina Wesesky; adviser: Mike Arter
- 2nd place: Rachel Zeak; adviser: Lauren Jacobson
- 3rd place: Derek Weyandt; adviser: Mike Arter
The University Libraries Undergraduate Research Award: Excellence in Information Literacy
Charles Goe, Richard Satira, Christine Germscheid, and Brittany Umstead; adviser: Cathy Dillen