- First Place: Steven McKimm, Logan Dermont, Cameron Piscioneri, Shane Reigert, Gabriel McFadden—“Evaluating Cybersecurity Challenges in EVSE Systems: From Vulnerability Identification to Prevention Strategies”
- Second Place: Bradley Kaufman, Anthony Hammill, Hans Esteban, Luke Murray, Justin Moore—“Evaluating and Enhancing Security in Code Generated by ChatGPT: A Baseline for Safer Software Development”
- Third Place: Lauren Peng—“Optimizing Managerial Approaches Through Plasticity”
- First Place: Casey Hess—“Investigation and Determinant Analysis of High-Speed Tennis Ball Impact Dynamics”
- Second Place: Alexis Dell—“Oxidative Cross-Coupling of Monolignols and Model Peptides”
- Third Place: Prisha Chanana—“Effect of Ceramics and Energetic Additives on Regression Rate of HTPB-Based Solid Fuels in a Hybrid Rocket”
- First Place: Nicole Flanders—“Yearly variation in the population density and reproduction of an aquatic invader, Potamopyrgus antipodarum”
- Second Place: Gracie Harlow—“Substrate preference between competing snail species in Millbrook Marsh, Centre County, PA”
- Third Place: Chloe Mazza—"How Does Repeated Exposure to Testing Conditions and Individual Differences in Temperament Affect Spatial Cognition in the common minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus)"
- First Place: Audrianna Barnes—“Senior Internship: Long-term Care vs Pediatric Physical Therapy”
- Second Place: Lyric Koelle—“Kinesiology Exercise Science Internship”
- Third Place: Robert Frankosky—“UPMC Radiology Technician Internship Experience”
- Tied for First Place: Jahdon Jerome—“Does Imagery Improve Free Throw Shooting Accuracy in Male Basketball Players?”
- Tied for First Place: Justin Hedges—“Imagery Free-Throw Training in Division III Male Basketball Players”
- Third Place: Rebecca Reeder, Hailey Burchfield—“Examining Associations Between Fathers' Involvement and Adult Sons' Attitudes Toward Relationships”
- First Place: Ziwei Lin, Makaylah Bangura, Jazzmine McCauley, Deyana Dye—“Media Exposure vs. Lived Experiences with Police: What Influences Attitudes?”
- Second Place: Makaylah Bangura, Ellee Garver, Yusra Haroon, Lily Reid, Riley Fegley, Shannette Wahor—“Rape Myth Acceptance: Does Endorsement Influence Sentencing Decisions?”
- Third Place: Lam Vo, Pamela Lantz—“Men's Parental Care and Mental Health Symptoms in Early Fatherhood”
- First Place: Philip Chamberlin—“Estimating Bandgap Energy of Nanoarchitectured and Conventional Materials for Solar Cell Application”
- Second Place: Rebecca Reeder—"University Students' Attitudes Towards the Use of AI in Education"
- Third Place: Angela Bunk—“Active Noise Canceling Headphones”
- First Place: Pamela Lantz—“Helping Myself and Others: Animal Assisted Care”
- Second Place: Stephanie Dale—“Securing and Mending Families”
- Third Place: Camryn Kurilla—“Therapy Through the Mind of an Intern”
- First Place: Travis Saylor—“Immigration Narratives of Loss and Belonging”
- Second Place: Ziwei Lin, Makaylah Bangura, Jazzmine McCauley, Deyana Dye—“Media Exposure vs. Lived Experiences with Police: What Influences Attitudes?”
- Third Place: Caroline Downey, Olivia Ronan—“Reproductive Information and Fathers’ Negativity Toward their Children’s Sexual Orientation Disclosures”
- Tied for First Place: Lauren Peng—"Optimizing Management Approaches Through Plasticity"
- Tied for First Place: Travis Saylor—"Immigration Narratives of Loss and Belonging"
- First Place: Giovanni Napolitano, Kara Bailen, Robert Ethan Reed—"Mechanical Roadway System for Capturing Wasted Energy of Vehicles and Conversion to Electrical Energy"
- Second Place: Ziwei Lin, Deyana Dye, Makaylah Bangura, and Jazzmine McCauley—"Media Exposure vs. Lived Experiences: What Influences Attitudes"
- Third Place: Makaylah Bangura, Riley P. Fegley, Ellee Garver, Lily G. Reid, Yusra Haroon, & Shannette Wahor—"Rape Myth Acceptance: Does Endorsement Influence Sentencing Decisions?"
- First place: Amy Norris—“50 Shades of Orange”
- Second place: Meghann Mignogna—“State of Mine”
- Third place: Abraham Onkst—“Abraham Onkst Artist Talk”
- First place: Rebecca Reeder & Hailey Burchfield—“Examining Associations Between Fathers’ Investment and Adult Sons’ Attitudes and Behaviors”
- Second place: Olivia Smith—“Characterizing Dietary Intake in Relation to Body Weight and Body Weight Perceptions in Division III Student Athletes”
- Third place: Pamela Lantz & Olivia Ronan—“Parents’ Expected Reactions to Sexual Orientation Disclosures”
- First place: Makaylah Bangura, Deyana Dye, Yursa Haroon, Woodnie Andre, & Marianna Di Balsamo—“Examining the Effects of Procedural Justice and Utilitarian Assessments of Police on Racial Differences in Legitimacy Assessments”
- Second place: Eemonie Moore
- Third place: Nicholas Glunt, Lam Tung Vo, Lacee Barnhart, & Brooke Colledge—“Guns and Gun Accessories: An Assessment of Gun Owners' Acquisition and Use of Firearm Accessories”
- First place: Dillan, Dantos, Kyle Rennell, Emily Dale, Ben Love—“Spectroscopic Investigations of Deep Eutectic Solvents”
- Second place: Mallorie Keith—“Pinacolborane Reduction of Carbonyl Compounds”
- Third place: Angela Bunk—“Comparison of Steady-State and Dynamic Burning Rates of AP Composite Propellants”
- First place: Nicole Bailey—“Yearly variation in the population density and reproduction of an aquatic invader, Potamopyrgus antipodarum”
- Second place: Gavin Suter—“A Test of the Enemy Release Hypothesis Using the Invasive New Zealand Mud Snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum”
- Third place: Cortney McMath—“Improving Focus in ADHD: Non-pharmacological vs. Pharmacological Management Techniques”
- First place: Alyson Cover—“Fostering Good Health and Wellbeing Through Blended Case Management”
- Second place: Haven Feathers—“Supporting Students Needs and Successes: My Time as a School Counseling Intern”
- Third place: Jenna Cumming—“Power to the Students: Creating Awareness for Diversity on Campus”
- First place: Dawson Luzier, William Ferry, & Nicholas Martino—“PSU Altoona Women in Engineering Project 2023”
- Second place: Amelia Paterno—“Getting Comfortable with the Uncomfortable: Creating a Dialogue Facilitation Program”
- Third place: Katanna Yohn—“Athletic/Personal Training”
- First place: Emma Hoover—“On Compositions & Polygon Dissections”
- Second place: Ian Eckenrode—“Software for Visualization and Analysis of Lattice Paths with Obstructions”
- Third place: Joshua Krish, Sarah Kidd, Kaitlyn Estright, Kyle Glass, & Alexander Lieb—“Auditing Framework for IoT Devices & Networks”
- First place: Makaylah Bangura, Deyana Dye, Yursa Haroon, Woodnie Andre, & Marianna Di Balsamo—“Examining the Effects of Procedural Justice and Utilitarian Assessments of Police on Racial Differences in Legitimacy Assessments”
- Second place: Mallorie Keith—“Pinacolborane Reduction of Carbonyl Compounds”
- Third place: Sabiha Sultana—“Efficient Synthesis of Lignin Model Compounds”
- First place: Cortney McMath—"Improving Focus in ADHD: Non- pharmacological vs. Pharmacological management techniques"
- Tie for second place: Rachel Sleeth & Connor Oakes—“Air Temperature and Diet are not Associated with Oxygen Consumption Rate in Banded Crickets, Gryllodes sigillatus” and Ian Eckenrode—" Software for Visualization and analysis of lattice paths with obstructions"
- First Place: Rachel Kosaka, Tyler Frye, Alicia Williams—“Punitive Attitudes Toward Sex Offenders: Does Offender Sex Matter?
- Second Place: Jazzmine McCauley, Abigail Harvey, Cassandra Gartley, Tyler Frye—“An Empirical Assessment of the Relationship Between Jail Population Size and County-level Crime Rates in Central Pennsylvania”
- Third Place: Lindsay Fusco, Ziwei Lin, Rachel Kosaka, Tyler Frye—“Media Exposure and Perceptions of Police”
- First Place: Zachary Bell—“Protein Solubility Optimization of RNA-Helicase from Psychrobacter”
- Second Place: Philip Chamberlin—“To Improve Photovoltaics: Simulation and Nanotube Synthesis”
- Third Place: Gracie Harlow—“A test of the enemy release hypothesis in the New Zealand mud snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum”
- First Place: Makayla Ianuzzi, Joshua Hollingshead—“Development and Experimentation of a Continuously Rotating Detonation Engine”
- Second Place: Andrew Sherren, Kyle Fink, Joshua Eshelman—“Road Energy Harvesting & Smart Highway”
- Third Place: Emma Hoover, Jessica Shearer—“Rooted Trees Connected to the Tribonacci Numbers”
- First Place: McKenna Hurd—“Invisible Things”
- Second Place: Maleah Orr—“Analyzing Anti-COVID-19 Vaccine and Anti-Mask Postings on Online Forums in Central Pennsylvania”
- Third Place: Madisyn Simington—“Mother's Days”
- First Place: Alicia Williams—“Impact of Co-Parenting Negligence: How Custody Agreements Impact Teen Parenting”
- Second Place: Kevin Karpovich—“Crossroads of Addiction”
- Third Place: Cierra Rhodes—“Generational Poverty and Negative Stereotypes”
- 1st place: Hope Weidemann; adviser: Erin Murphy
- 2nd place: Aaron Artz; adviser: Steven Andrews
- 3rd place: Raya Kenepp and Victoria Violet; adviser: Megan Simpson
- 1st place: Elijah Boyd-Plamondon; adviser: Kyle King
- 2nd place: Dustin Smith; adviser: Doug Page
- 3rd place: Michael Schrack; adviser: Doug Page
- 1st place: Eric Crisp and Makayla Ianuzzi; adviser: Grant Risha
- 2nd place: Dillon Over and Makayla Ianuzzi; adviser: Grant Risha & Jeffrey Moore
- 3rd place: Matthew Littler and Benjamin Smith; adviser: Grant Risha & Jeffrey Moore
- 1st place: Tracy Yu; adviser: Lara LaDage
- 2nd place: Jordan Wolfkill; adviser: Carolyn Mahan
- 3rd place: Carolyn Telfer; adviser: Corien Bakermans
- 1st place: Justin Kelly; adviser: Nicholas Rowland
- 2nd place: Cynthia Baum; adviser: Sandra Petrulionus & Tom Shaffer
- 3rd place: Makayla Plants, Marcella Kishlock, and Jose Hernandez; adviser: Cynthia Woods & Melissa Kohler
- 1st place: Alexandria Reisinger, Sarah Stelle, and Mackenzie Gardner; adviser: Cathy Dillen
- 2nd place: Charles Goe, Richard Satira, Christine Germscheid, and Brittany Umstead; adviser: Cathy Dillen
- 3rd place: Hailey Cleveland; adviser: Julie Decker
- 1st place: Christina Wesesky; adviser: Mike Arter
- 2nd place: Rachel Zeak; adviser: Lauren Jacobson
- 3rd place: Derek Weyandt; adviser: Mike Arter
- 1st place: Kelly Gajewski, “15901” - adviser Rebecca Strzelec
- 2nd place: Maddie Quinn, “Welcome Home” - adviser Rebecca Strzelec
- 3rd place: Justin Biddle, “Intersectionality: More Than Meets the Eye” - adviser Kelly Munly
- 1st place: Matthew Cowan, “Electronic Freight Car Inspection Recording and Application of Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Frameworks” - adviser Bryan Schlake
- 2nd place: Andrew Kurtz and Joseph Pfeffer, “Securing the Internet of Things (IoT): A Security Taxonomy and Matrix” - adviser Syed Rizvi
- 3rd place: Sean Harrity and Dayton Blackwood, “Centralizing Virtual Machine Management through OpenStack” - adviser Dave Barnes
- 1st place: Zachary Bloom, “Godzilla: An Asian Comparison” - adviser Mark McNicholas
- 2nd place: Matthew Adams, “Ambulatory Asylum: Investigating new forms of protection provided by information and communications technology in the context of 21st century migrations” - adviser Jutta Gsoels-Lorensen
- Sarah Mohammed, “Brown Boxes: Exploring Cultural Identity in Different Global Contexts” - adviser Kelly Munly
- 1st place: Austin Murray, Tyler Smith, and Eric Pittman, “Development and Experimentation of a Lab-Scale Pulse Detonation Engine” - adviser Grant Risha and Jeffrey Moore
- 2nd place: Dimitris Kiaoulias, “Evaluation of Injector Orifice Inlet Geometries through Cold-Flow Experiments” - adviser Grant Risha and Jeffrey Moore
- 3rd place: Ivan Zvorsky, Nicholas Meyers, Justin Bhalla, and Sarah Ismail, “Evaluation of Liquid Propulsion System Design on Priming Event Pressure Levels” - adviser Jeffrey Moore
- 1st place: Chenzhang Zhou, “A numerical method for solving scalar ordinary differential equations based on adaptive quadratic Taylor approximations” - adviser Thomas Krainer
- 2nd place: Sean Harrity, Mason Sosnoski, Nick Belfonti, and Brennan McKendree, “Maintaining Secure Cloud Computed Data with Minimal Performance Impacts” - adviser Syed Rizvi
- 3rd place: Ryan Pipetti, Nicholas McIntyre, and Jonathan Todd, “An Analysis of IoT Framework: Security Threats and Challenges” - adviser Syed Rizvi
- 1st place: Michelle Smithbauer, “The effect of floral height on pollinator visitation in Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia)” - adviser Ed Levri
- Rachel Mills and Krista Silvis, “The effect of habitat type on the growth and reproduction of the invasive New Zealand snail” - adviser Ed Levri
- April Pancoast and Michelle Smithbauer, “Collection of Water Quality Data Along Mill Run, Spring Run, and Brush Run, in Blair County, Pennsylvania” - adviser Lisa Emili
- 1st place: Malaysia Dorsett and Meghan Smyers, “Preschool Classroom Child Care Environments and Their Association to Teacher Stress” - adviser Jessica Degol
- 2nd place: Alexandra Kuma and Ally Lenz, “Forgetting Rate and Cognitive Abilities” - adviser Lindsey Lilenthal
- 3rd place: Jacquelyn Tew, “The Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Arrest” - adviser Amir Marvasti
- 1st place: Stephanie Knaub, “Cardiovascular Health Disparities Among Women” - adviser Cynthia Bowman
- 2nd place: Abby Stedding, “Breastfeeding or Bottle-Feeding in Regards to Immunity Development” - adviser Julie Decker
- 3rd place: Stephanie Knaub, Maddie Duty, Rachael Kuntz, and Alyson Eck, “Antidepressant Use in the Elderly” - adviser Cathy Dillon
- 1st place: Natasha Gibbons, Evolution Counseling Inc. - adviser Lauren Jacobsen
- 2nd place: Allison Morgan, Family Services, Inc. - adviser Mike Arter
- 3rd place: Hei Tan Tracy Yu, Altoona Family Physicians - adviser Mary Kananen
- Alexander Diehm, “Using Photoconductive Decay (PCD) to Measure Minority Carrier Lifetime In Semiconductors” - adviser Patrick Drummond
- 1st place: Emily Beam – “Da Vinci at the HeART of Anatomy”
- 2nd place: Aaron James & Leila McCrumb – Performance of Act II Scene I from Same Time Next Year
- 3rd place: Ger Ogot – “Doubting Thomas”
- 1st place: Andrew Kurtz, Joseph Pfeffer, & Hannah Roddy – “Desktop Visualization Evaluation”
- 2nd place: Jessica Seifer & Michelle Colucci – “Security Risk Analysis Internet of Everything Dashboard”
- 3rd place: Andrew Kurtz, Joseph Gualdoni, & Ilva Myzyri – “The Step”
- 1st place: Henry Baust – “The Art That Dignifies You: Medieval Martial Arts and Modern Reconstruction”
- 2nd place: Olivia Wertz – “Temporary Roadblocks: How Mental Illness Disrupts the Characters’ Coming of Age in The Bell Jar and The Catcher in the Rye”
- 3rd place: Jacquelyn Tew – “Victorian Tea Set”
- 1st place: Stephen Moxim & Curtis Bell – “Opportunities in Nanowire Production through Impure Aluminum Oxide Templates”
- 2nd place: Evan English & Dan Stacey – “A New Framework for Business Applications of Cloud Computing”
- 3rd place: Matt Littler & Eric Crisp – “Investigation of Cylindrical Coefficient of Restitution (CCOR) and Dynamic Stiffness of Baseballs”
Physical Sciences
- 1st place: Angela Spagnoli – “The Use of LiDAR Data Sets and Stochastic Depression Analysis to Predict the Locations of Vernal Pools”
- 2nd place: Nathan Moyer – “Collection of water quality data, Juniata River watershed, Blair County Pennsylvania”
- 3rd place: James Pence & Kevin Zhang – “Preparation of Dilignol Model Compounds”
- 1st place: Sierra Satterfield – “Application of the Death Penalty Among Racial Minorities in the United States”
- 2nd place: Victoria Denz – “Combating Proactive Interference in Visuospatial Working Memory”
- 3rd place: Aaron Artz – “Occupation and the Death Penalty”
- 1st place: Sydney Fochler – “Effects of Exercise on Anxiety Behaviors in Zebrafish”
- 2nd place: Tracie Cobb Irvin & Victoria Gould – “Assessing Spatial Learning and Memory in Small Squamate Reptiles”
- 3rd place: Rebecca Luft – “The influence of fish odor on the dispersal behavior of an invasive snail”
- 1st place: Jacob Vaughn -- “Conservation and Perception of Pennsylvania Snakes: Juniata Valley Audubon Society and Shaver's Creek Environmental Center, Petersburg, PA”
- 2nd place: Jonathan Willett -- “Rethinking a Security System to Prevent the Hacking of Your Car”
- 3rd place: Kayla Holliday “Corrections, Gender, and Rehabilitation: State Correctional Institute Rockview.”
- 1st Place “Underground Railroad” – Tyler Hummel, Bethany Harker, Austin Beebe
- 2nd Place “Choosing to Dream Again: The Recreation of the American Dream in Suzanne Collin’s The Hunger Games Trilogy” – Becca Betty
- 3rd Place “How James Baldwin Changed Society” – Diana Fackler
- 1st Place “Standardization of Over-Dimensional Load Measurement Using Laser-Based Technology” -- Alexander Reinsmith
- 2nd Place “Interfacial Chemistry of Al-CNT Composite” – Shelby Stigers
- 3rd Place “Temporal infection rates of chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) on green frog (Lithobates clamitans melanota) populations in Pennsylvania wetlands” – Victoria Gould
- 1st Place “Burning Rate Characterization of High-Energy Solid Fuels and Oxidizers” – James “Bo” Pratt
- 2nd Place “Multiscale Modeling of Boundary Layer Development” – Vada Palochko and Christopher Ryba
- 3rd Place “A Framework to Validate Security Controls of Cloud Service Providers (CSPs)” – Kelsey Karpinski, Taryn Walker, Brennen Kelly
- 1st Place “Water Quality Monitoring in the Juniata River Watershed” – Angela Spagnoli and Catherine Kilgus
- 2nd Place “Engineering Lignin for Antimicrobial Agents” – Chloe Deng
- 3rd Place “Does the production of defensive spines come at a reproductive cost in an aquatic snail?” – Teresa Sirnic
- 1st Place “Illumination” a Dance Performance – Danielle Johnson, Megan Brobeck, Catherine Averill, Karlie Esworthy, Sam Bacza, Kyonna McClain, Kadheem McLeod
- 2nd Place Brahm’s “Intermezzo in E Minor, No. 2, Op. 119” – Annette Nagle
- 3rd Place “On What I Don’t Forget” a Poetry Presentation – Heather Myers
- First Place Sarah Landis
- Second Place John McCleerey
- Third Place Kelly Ketterman and Jacob Gromiller
- First Place Oliver Fredericks
- Second Place Sarp (Yanki) Kalfa
- Third Place Joe Dively
- First Place Zachary Sinisi and Michael Phillips
- Second Place Paul Santella and Megan Brobeck
- Third Place James Pratt and James Hackenberry
- First Place Anne Maucieri
- Second Place Rebecca Betty
- Third Place Heather Myers
- First Place Jackson Brumbaugh
- Second Place Christopher Meek
- Third Place Victoria McIntyre, Patrick Shea and Natasha Csicsmann
- First Place Shelby Stigers
- Second Place Paul Armstrong
- Third Place Colin Lingafelt
- First Place Annette Nagle and Shana Soriano
- Second Place Erin Becker and Imari Caldwell
- Third Place Nathanial Dibert
- FIRST PLACE: Nicol Epple “The Influence on and the Effects of the Cult of True Womanhood and Domesticity in 1820-1860 America”
Adviser: Dr. Roselyn Constantino - SECOND PLACE: Carl Sell “Germany as Faust: How Thomas Mann’s Adrian Leverkühn Embodies a Nation”
Adviser: Dr. Laura Rotunno - THIRD PLACE: Kimberly Snively “Berlin Women: On the Frontlines of the Battle Over Modernity”
Adviser: Dr. Julia Hudson-Richards - FIRST PLACE: Kiana Daniel “A Deeper Look into the Sexualization of African American/Colored Women and Their Bodies”
Adviser: Dr. Brooke Findley - SECOND PLACE: Nicol Epple “Female Genital Cutting: Cultural Controversy”
Adviser: Dr. Brooke Findley - THIRD PLACE: Martine DeSantis “Military Rape: A Culture of Cover Up”
Adviser: Dr. Brooke Findley - Samantha Brown “Sex Trafficking in the United States”
Adviser: Dr. Brooke Findley - Ashley Guenot “Uncomfortable in Your Own Skin?”
Adviser: Dr. Brooke Findley - FIRST PLACE: John Polheber “Pets and Friends as Moderators of the Cortisol Stress Response”
Adviser: Dr. Robert Matchock - SECOND PLACE: John Kissell & Bill Aiken “Auditing the Cloud: Challenges and Solutions”
Adviser: Dr. Jungwoo Ryoo - THIRD PLACE: Jason Norman & Caleb Fisher “Norman-Ware: VIV Simulation Workbook”
Adviser: Dr. James Chen - Withdrawn: Sara Parker “Forgotten Offenders”
Adviser: Dr. Brooke Findley - Withdrawn: Jesrill Velasco “White Privilege in the Feminist World”
Adviser: Dr. Brooke Findley - FIRST PLACE: Sarah Jenkins Poems to Read to the Very Young, a series of art pieces from the exhibition Mirrors and Memories from the Very Young
Adviser: Professor Rebecca Strzelec - SECOND PLACE: Sarah McDonald “’Going Native’ and Other Poems”
Adviser: Dr. Todd Davis - THIRD PLACE: Megan Riner Looking for Normal, a theatrical piece written and directed by Megan; acted by Noah Smith, Brendan Jesus, Christian Johnson, Jennina Pratt, and Meghan Delsite
Adviser: Professor Robin Reese - Samantha Gorman “Uncovering our Stories” (poetry reading)
Adviser: Dr. Todd Davis - FIRST PLACE: Mary Elizabeth Mcculloch “The Vive Project”
Adviser: Professor Eric Granlund - SECOND PLACE: Caleb Fisher & Jason Norman “Vortex-Induced Vibration Wind Energy Harvester”
Adviser: Dr. James Chen - THIRD PLACE: Steve Niemkiewicz “Multiscale Modeling of Fracture in Barium Titanate”
Adviser: Dr. James Chen - Hernan Arroyo & Vadim Kachkovskiy “Design of a Sliding Mode Algebriac Speed and Rotor Position Observer for the PMSM Drive”
Adviser: Dr. Mihai Comanescu - Vadim Kachkovskiy & Hernan Arroyo “Design of a Double Manifold Sliding Mode Observer for Speed and State Estimation of the Induction Motor”
Adviser: Dr. Mihai Comanescu - Poster Withdrawn: Drew Bittner & Jordan Sell “Effect of Jet Momentum Ratio and Equivalence Ratio on the Ignition Process of TMEDA and White Fuming Nitric Acid (WFNA)”
Adviser: Dr. Grant Risha - Jordan Sell & Drew Bittner “The Study of Effects of Sub-Sonic Wind Speeds”
Adviser: Dr. Grant Risha - Stephen Ling & Randi Bimeal “Algebraic Sliding Mode Flux and Speed Observer for the Induction Motor using the Synchronous Reference Frame Model”
Adviser: Dr. Mihai Comanescu - Trey Mock & Randi Bimeal “Time-Varying Observer for the Flux Magnitude of the Induction Motor using the Synchronous Reference Frame Model”
Adviser: Dr. Mihai Comanescu - FIRST PLACE: Evelyn Erickson “Altered Levels of the Yeast Proteasome Maturation Factor Ump1p Affect the Response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to Volatile Anesthetics”
Adviser: Dr. Laura Palmer - SECOND PLACE: Brian Moyer & Julia Eckenrode “The Influence of Inflorescence Size and Number on the Following Year’s Inflorescence Production in Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia)”
Adviser: Dr. Ed Levri - THIRD PLACE: Samantha Gorman & Sha’land Abbott “Cold Adaptations of Bacteria Found in Pennsylvania Cold Traps”
Dr. Corien Bakermans - Julia Eckenrode & Brian Moyer “The Effects of Insect and Fungal Damage on Reproduction in Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia)”
Adviser: Dr. Ed Levri - Jonathan Kovall & Dalton Treon “The Collection of Monthly Water Quality Data for Three Streams in Central Pennsylvania”
Adviser: Dr. Lisa Emili - Patricia Mantero, Sarah Landis, Elissa Colledge, Brittany Smith, & Alyssa Byrd “The Effect of Light Intensity on the Photokinetic Behavior of the New Zealand Mud Snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum)”
Adviser: Dr. Ed Levri - Frank Menaquale, Elissa Colledge, & Brittany Smith “The Effect of Crayfish Odor on the Behavior of the Invasive New Zealand Mud Snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum)”
Adviser: Dr. Ed Levri - FIRST PLACE: Alexander Kinney “Black Studies Development at Penn State: A Case Study”
Adviser: Dr. Nicholas Rowland & Dr. Eric Charles - SECOND PLACE: Ryan Ritter “Cosmetic Surgery and its Effect on Crime”
Adviser: Dr. Amir Marvasti - THIRD PLACE: Teayra Turner, Kayla Fleming, Tasia Scott, & Daniella Zubarev “The African-American Heritage Project”
Adviser: Dr. Nicholas Rowland & Mr. Jeff Knapp - Jarred Markowski, Katelyn Hoover, & Ashleigh Miller “Banner-Retention Study”
Adviser: Dr. Nicholas Rowland & Dr. Eric Charles - Corien Bakermans
- Eric Charles
- Mihai Comanescu
- Mary De Jong
- Tim Dolney
- Lisa Emili
- Mary Kananan
- Tim Leso (4-5 only)
- Frances Mateycik
- Mark McNicholas
- Rotunno
- Rowland
- Peter Shull
- Esther Siegfried (3-4 only)
- Xuebing Yang
- Kofi Adu
- Corien Bakermans
- Richard Bell
- Andrea Boito
- Michael Bukowski
- Eric Charles
- Mihai Comanescu
- Timothy Dolney
- Lisa Emili
- Tim Hooper
- Mary Kananan
- Ed Levri
- Carolyn Mahan
- Fran Mateycik
- Joe Petrulionis
- Grant Risha
- Laura Rotunno
- Nicholas Rowland
- Matt Weeg
- Eric Charles (social sciences)
- Nicholas Rowland (social sciences)
- Yeonsun Ellie Ro (social sciences)
- Tulay Girard (social sciences)
- Marc Orlitzky (social sciences)
- Charlotte McConn (social sciences)
- Lucinda Hatton (criminal justice)
- Brad Pinter (psychology)
- Roselyn Costantino (humanities)
- Mark McNicholas (humanities)
- Mary DeJong (humanities)
- Andrea Boito (mathematics)
- Wojciech Dorabiala (mathematics)
- Mihai Comanescu (engineering)
- Jungwoo Ryoo (engineering)
- Richard Bell (physical science)
- Tim Hooper (physical science)
- Fran Mateycik (physical science)
- Richard Bell (physical science)
- Lisa Emili (geoscience)
- Carolyn Mahan (biology)
- Esther Siegfried (biology)
- Matt Weeg (biology)
- Mary Kananen (biology)
- Tracey Elkin (kinesiology)
- Richard Bell
- Eric Charles
- Mihai Comanescu
- Mary DeJong
- Timothy Dolney
- Adam Hartstone-Rose
- Mary Kananan
- Dan Lago
- Joseph Petrulionis
- Damon Resnick
- Nicholas Rowland
- Matthew Weeg
- L.A. Wilson
- Michael Arter
- Andrea Boito
- Alyssa C. Bumbaugh
- Mihai Comanescu
- Mary De Jong
- Tim Dolney
- Tim Hooper
- Mary Kananen
- Laura Palmer
- Brad Pinter
- Damon Resnick
- J. Rowland
- Darin Zimmerman
- Andrea Boito
- Mihai Comanescu
- Mary De Jong
- Matthew Gordon
- Peter Hopsicker
- Kananen
- Christy Lusiak
- Marta Maurer
- Patrick McGrail
- Patti Mills
- Amy Parente
- Brad Pinter
- Damon Resnick
- Valerie Stratton
- Suzanne Thoma
- Darin Zimmerman
- Lori Bechtel
- Andrea Boito
- Roselyn Costantino
- Mary De Jong
- Tulay Girard
- Doug Hoover
- Peter Hopsicker
- Mary Kananen
- Dan Lago
- Lucas
- Brad Pinter
- Tadd Reutenik
- Brittany Richards
- Jungwoo Ryoo
- Stan Snyder
- LA Wilson
- Margaret Benson
- Dan Clark
- Mary De Jong
- Marta Mauer
- Amy Parente
- Nathan Platt
- Brad Pinter
- LA Wilson
- James Winsor
- William Cale
- Dan DiLeo
- Jeff Plochocki
- LA Wilson
- Ken Womack
- Lori Bechtel
- William Cale
- LA Wilson
- Ken Womack
- Eric Liddick
- Stephenie Schroth
Click on a title below to reveal more information.
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Adler Athletic Complex
Presentations and Results
Business/Information Sciences and Technology
Engineering and Physical Sciences
Health, Life, and Behavioral Sciences
Internship Posters
Social Sciences I
Social Sciences II
Oral Presentations—Research
Oral Presentations—Internships
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Libraries Award
Sustainability Award
Excellence in Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Mentoring Award
Ed Levri, Head of the Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; Interim Head of the Division of Business, Engineering, and Information Sciences and Technology; and Professor of Biology
Saturday, April 15, 2023
Adler Athletic Complex
Presentations and Results
Arts & Humanities
Behavioral and Social Sciences I
Behavioral and Social Sciences II
Engineering & Physical Sciences
Health & Life Sciences
Internships/Programmatic Oral Presentations
Internships/Programmatic Poster Presentations
Mathematics, Computing, & Information Technologies
Sustainability Award
Library Award
Saturday, April 9, 2022
Adler Athletic Complex
Presentations and Results
Social Sciences
Physical and Natural Sciences
Engineering, Information Sciences and Technology, and Mathematics
Arts and Humanities
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Adler Athletic Complex
Presentations and Results
Performances and Exhibitions
Oral Presentations
Arts & Humanities
Engineering, Computing, and Information Sciences and Technology
Health and Life Sciences
Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, and Business
The University Libraries Undergraduate Research Award: Excellence in Information Literacy
Charles Goe, Richard Satira, Christine Germscheid, and Brittany Umstead; adviser: Cathy Dillen
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Misciagna Family Center, Hawthorn Building, and Eve Chapel
Presentations and Results
Performances and Exhibitions
Oral Presentations - Hawthorn Building
Engineering, Security Risk Analysis, and Computing and Information Technology
Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences
Math, Security Risk Analysis, and Computing and Information Technology
Health, Life, and Physical Sciences
Art and Humanities and Social and Behavioral Sciences
The University Libraries Award for Information Literacy
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Misciagna Family Center, Hawthorn Building, and Eve Chapel
Presentations and Winners
Performances and Exhibitions
Oral Presentations
Computing and Information Technology
Arts & Humanities
Engineering and Computing and Information Technology
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Health, Life & Behavioral Sciences
The University Libraries Award for Information Literacy:
Sierra Satterfield – “Application of the Death Penalty Among Racial Minorities in the United States”
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Misciagna Family Center for Performing Arts and Hawthorn Building
Presentations and Winners
First Place: Carmina Rogelio – "The First All-Nighter," a visual art study
Second Place: Xiaoyu Xie – "Organ Purse," a sculpture
Third Place: Erin Becker, Matthew Potts, accompanist - "Here Alone," a voice performance
Computing and Information Technology
First Place: Joshua Clark – "Learn This! (IBM Smarter Planet Security Elearning App)"
Second Place: John Willet, Tyler Vasbinder, and Donte Perino – "Hybrid Security System"
Third Place: Whitney Hernandez, Kelly Bennett, and Jessica Seifer – "A Hybrid Repackaged Application Detection System"
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
First Place: Meghan Delsite – "Memory as a Foundation of an Oral Culture"
Second Place: Diana Fackler – "Winston Churchill: The Forgotten Author and Laureate"
Third Place: Kallie Sheets – "Sisters in Steel"
Engineering and Computing and Information Technology
First Place: Chris Latsios "Solar Assisted Electric Garden Tractor"
Second Place: David Leberfinger – "Surface Tension of Conventional Hydrocarbon Fuels with Gellation and Suspension of Particles"
Third Place: Gabriel Labrador, Jeremy Savan, and Matt Guyan – "Advocating for Hybrid Intrusion Detection Prevention System and Framework Improvement"
Physical and Life Sciences
First Place: Angie Spagnoli – "Adsorption of Methylene Blue by Zinc Chloride Activated Carbon from Cashew Nut Shells"
Second Place: Mason McGinnis and Ben Borst – "Antennas for Light"
Third Place: Greg Ingalsbe – "A Bioinformatic Approach to Understanding RNA Thermometers in Psychrobacter Bacteria"
Social Sciences
First Place: John Leri – "Social Distance, Psychotropic Medication, & Mental Illness Exposure"
Second Place: Tiffani Walk – "The Importance of Play During Early Childhood"
Third Place: Kayleigh Nelson – "True Violence in Video Games: ' ... he'd rather be called 'birdetta.'"
Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, and Business
First Place: Meghan Delsite – "Historic Hollidaysburg Interactive Map"
Second Place: Shannon Weber, Aneri Patel, Henry Bradley, Christian Lucia, and Chandler Condo – "Helicopter Parenting in College Housing Markets"
Third Place: Luke Hallman – "Logo Design and Development Method"
The University Libraries Award for Information Literacy
Kelsey Karpinski – "Novel Architecture of Self-Organized Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks"
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Misciagna Family Center for Performing Arts
Presentations and Winners
Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Oral Presentations
Health, Life, and Physical Sciences Oral Presentations
Computing/Information Technology and Engineering Posters
Sciences Posters
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Misciagna Family Center for Performing Arts
Presentations and Winners
Health, Life, and Physical Sciences Poster Presentations
Social Sciences Poster Presentations
Computing/Information Technology and Engineering Poster Presentations
Arts and Humanities Oral Presentations
Math and Computing and Information Technology Oral Presentations
Physical Sciences Oral Presentations
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Adler Athletic Complex, Gymnasium
Presentations and Winners
Social Issues: Historical and Literary Perspectives—ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Judges: Mary DeJong, Jared Frederick, Kevin Moist
Uncovering Social Issues—ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Judges: Julia Hudson-Richards, Jeff Knapp, Sandy Petrulionis
Social Issues and Possible Solutions—ORAL PRESENTATIONS
Judges: Lauren Jacobson, Joe Petrulionis, Xuebing Yang
Performance/Exhibition Category
Judges: Brooke Findley, KT Huckabee, Robin Reese
Engineering Posters
Judges: Victor Brunsden, James Chen, Gary Weisel
Health, Life, and Physical Sciences Posters
Judges: Tim Dolney, Daniel Waddell, and Yimin Zhu
Arts & Humanities & Social Sciences Posters
Judges: Corien Bakermans, Laura Palmer, Beth Seymour
Tuesday, April 17, 2011
Adler Athletic Complex, Gymnasium
Presentations and Winners
Poster #1: Power conversion efficiency using soft-switching
Student: Kipp Adams
Faculty Adviser: Todd Batzel
Poster #2: Effect of jet momentum ratio and equivalence ratio on the ignition process of TMEDA on white fuming nitric acid (WFNA)
Student: Drew Bittner and Jordan Sell First Prize
Faculty Adviser: Grant Risha
Poster #3: Sensorless field orientation of the induction motor drive using a time- varying observer
Student: Christopher Korlinchak
Faculty Adviser: Mihai Comanescu
Poster #4: Sensorless field orientation of the induction motor drive using a sliding-mode observer
Student: Christopher Korlinchak Second Prize
Faculty Adviser: Mihai Comanescu
Poster #5: Withdrawn
Life Sciences
Poster #6: Baseline water quality data collection of selected streams in the City of Altoona
Students: Ashley Wilmont and Travis Marks Third Prize
Faculty Adviser: Carolyn Mahan
Poster #7: Seed germination rate is not influenced by inflorescence number or size in Mountain-laurel
Student: Fran Menaquale Third Prize
Faculty Adviser: Ed Levri
Poster #8: The invasive New Zealand mud snail expand its range in streams in the Laurentian great lakes watershed
Student: Elissa Colledge
Faculty Adviser: Ed Levri
Poster #9: Geotadic response of New Zealand snail
Students: Sabrina Aponte, Sarah Landis, and Alyssa Byrd
Faculty Adviser: Ed Levri
Poster #10: Cold adaptations and diversity of rpoB gene from TV permafrost
Students: Samantha Gorman and Shaland Abbot Third Prize
Faculty Adviser: Corien Backermans
Physical Sciences
Poster #11: Thermoelectric and resistance measurements of CNT-MgB2 composites
Student: Danhao Ma First Prize
Faculty Adviser: Kofi Adu
Poster #12: Observations of epistemic reasoning revealed through students' comparisons of self-selected homework problems
Student: Kendra Sheaffer Third Prize
Faculty Adviser: Frances Mateycik
Social Sciences
Poster #13: Societal influences on grandparental inclusive fitness
Student: Jessica Moyer Second Prize
Faculty Adviser: Robert Matchock
Poster #14: From protest to accommodation
Student: Alex Kinney Second Prize
Faculty Adviser: Nicholas Rowland and Eric Charles
Poster #15: The PowerPoint project
Students: Emily Sweely, Erin O'Donnell, and Trevor Aurandt-Dangel
Faculty Adviser: Nicholas Rowland and Eric Charles
Poster #16: Revisiting the interaction membrane
Student: Christopher Lehman Third Prize
Faculty Adviser: Nicholas Rowland and Eric Charles
Poster #17: The human odometer: knowing distance traveled through kinesthetic information
Student: Dylan Nelson Third Prize
Faculty Adviser: Eric Charles and Nicholas Rowland
Many thanks to our judges for 2012
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Slep Student Center
Presentations and Winners
Poster #1
Student: Drew Bittner, Amber Miller, and Jordan Sell
Title: Characterization of jet atomization, impingement, and ignition delay of gelled hypergolic rocket fuels and oxidizers
Project Adviser: Grant Risha
Poster #2
Student: Vincent Yeager, Nick Becker, and Paul Mitchell
Title: Decomposition of solid fuels under rapid conductive heating
Project Adviser: Grant Risha
Poster #3 (Second Place)
Student: Amber Miller, Vincent Yeager, Nathanial T. Conlin
Title: Impact measurements to determine coefficient of resistitution using a high velocity air cannon
Project Adviser: Grant Risha
Poster #4 (Third Place)
Student: Amber Miller and Vincent Yeager
Title: Characterization of combustion performance of gaseous hydrocarbon fuels using a bi-propellant rocket engine
Project Adviser: Grant Risha
Poster #5 (Third Place)
Student: Jordan Sell, Joshua Benton, and Nathanial Conlin
Title: Study of solid fuel regression rates with nano-sized particles in the presence of a high-voltage electric field
Project Adviser: Grant Risha
Physical Sciences
Poster #6
Student: Ryan M. Pearson and Patricia F. High
Title: Temperature-dependent hydrolytic activity of copper-binding hydrogel systems
Project Adviser: Michael Bukowski
Poster #7 (First Place)
Student: Danhao Ma and Derek Caplinger
Title: Investigation of the influence of magnetic field on surface plasmons in Fe3O4-elastomer composite
Project Adviser: Kofi Adu
Poster #8 (First Place)
Student: Brennan Healy, Scott Jorbel, and Evan Cullen
Title: Percolation simulations in two dimensions using Mathematica
Project Adviser: Hooper, Weisel, Zimmerman
Poster #9 (Second Place)
Student: Benjamin Knisely, Kevin Ninehouser, and Joshua Noble
Title: Percolation studies of metal-insulator samples
Project Adviser: Bell, Weisel, Zimmerman
Poster #10
Student: Kendra Sheaffer
Title: Assessing course-integrated compare and contrast activities using students' similarity ratings of problems
Project Adviser: Fran Mateycik
Health & Life Sciences
Poster #11
Student: Rachel H. Bilka
Title: Mass-length relationship for different clones of the New Zealand mud snail
Project Adviser: Edward Levri
Poster #12 (Third Place)
Student: Frank Wendt and Eric Malmberg
Title: Diversity of the 16S rRNA genes of uncultured microorganisms from Antarctic permafrost
Project Adviser: Corien Bakermans
Poster #13
Student: Kevin Pulver and Alexis Meers
Title: Forest condition in and around a site cleared for a Marcellus well pad and a wind turbine: a case study in north-central Pennsylvania
Project Advisers: Mahan and Finley
Social & Behavioral Sciences
Poster #14
Student: Paige Kaminski and Caitlin Ligenza
Title: High Tech? The use of technology in context of early speech pathology
Project Adviser: Yeonsun (Ellie) Ro
Poster #15
Student: Stephen McFall
Title: Evidence-based administration in higher education: English 202A project
Project Adviser: Nicholas Rowland
Poster #16 (First Place)
Student: Justin Didyoung
Title: The comparison of moral decision making between theists and non-theists
Project Adviser: Nicholas Rowland
Poster #17
Student: Ty Miller and Alex Kinney (Third Place)
Title: Procurement of packaged software: The role of gap-analysis during adoption decisions
Project Adviser: Nicholas Rowland
Poster #18 (Third Place)
Student: Mark E. Singer
Title: The geometry of social perception in the Heider-Simmel task
Project Adviser: Eric Charles
Poster #19 (Second Place)
Student: Kelly Hartman
Title: The cooperative video game study: Does cooperative multiplayer mediate aggression?
Project Adviser: Eric Charles
Many thanks to our judges for 2011
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Slep Student Center
Presentations and Winners
Poster #1 (First prize)
Student: Jeremy Koeck and Nathaniel Conlin
Title: Effect of a high-voltage electric field on burning rate of solid fuels
Project Adviser: Grant Risha
Poster #2 (First prize)
Student: Amber Miller
Title: Characterization of combustion and propulsion performance
Project Adviser: Grant Risha
Poster #3 (Second prize)
Student: Russell Glass
Title: Regression rate characterization of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene-based solid fuels containing high nitrogen materials
Project Adviser: Grant Risha
Physical Sciences
Poster #4 (Second prize)
Student: Andrea Knab
Title: Essential oil composition and biological activities of Coleus Ambionicus
Project Adviser: Marta Maurer
Poster #5
Student: Rachel Bilka
Title: Homemade Van de Graaff Generator (Physics 251 Honors Project)
Project Adviser: Frances Mateycik
Poster #6 (Third prize)
Student: Brian Glunt
Title: Anodization of aluminum to create porous aluminum oxide template for nanowire production
Project Adviser: Richard Bell
Poster #7 (Third prize)
Student: Louis Gan
Title: Magnetorheological joystick
Project Adviser: Richard Bell
Poster #8
Student: Jeremy Walsh
Title: S3H: Seasonal storage for solar heating
Project Adviser: Richard Flarend
Health & Life Sciences
Poster #9
Student: Carol Opiela
Title: An examination of the influence of shell armature in the photokinetic behavior of a freshwater snail
Project Adviser: Edward Levri
Poster #10 (Second prize)
Student: Rachel Bilka
Title: Is the invasive New Zealand mud snail in Lake St. Clair?
Project Adviser: Edward Levri
Poster #11 (First prize)
Student: Kelly Brossman
Title: Effect of Salinity on green frog tadpole (Rana Clamitans) body size
Project Adviser: Matthew Weeg
Poster #12
Student: Bryan Koronowski
Title: Rational design of a biological sensor for ATP
Project Adviser: Amy Diegelman-Parente
Poster #13
Student: Andrew Catherine
Title: The use of HT-ITC and HT-DSC to investigate the effects of ligand binding on DNA aptamers.
Project Adviser: Amy Diegelman-Parente
Humanities and Social Sciences
Poster #14 (Second prize)
Students: Christina Seymour and Mark Singer
Title: Godlessness in American Newspapers: Patterned discourses of non-religiousity, 1999-2009.
Project Adviser: Nicholas Rowland
Poster #15 (Third prize)
Student: Michelle Pope
Title: A Logo selection method
Project Adviser: Tulay Girard
Poster #16
Student: Cassie Brelsford
Title: Femicide in Guatemala
Project Adviser: Roselyn Costantino
Poster #17 (Third prize)
Student: Megan Tichonevicz
Title: Human Trafficking in our Backyard
Project Adviser: Roselyn Costantino
Poster #18 (First prize)
Student: Christopher Baker
Title: Is the Wii to blame? No! Moderating factors of control style on aggression
Project Adviser: Eric Charles
Information Technology and Computing
Poster #19
Student: Todd Bodnar
Title: Project GENESIS (Gene, Environment, Nutrition, Evolution, Sporogenesis, and Impregnation Simulation)
Project Adviser: Tim Leso
Poster #20 (Third prize)
Student: Kyung Ae Lim and Hyun Dong Kim
Title: The impact of IT: pedagogical perspectives in the university education setting
Project Adviser: Yeonsun Ellie Ro
Poster #21
Student: Cassandra Baumgardner
Title: Emerging online game services: countries connected through online gaming
Project Adviser: Jungwoo Ryoo
Poster #22 (Third prize)
Student: Adam Capatch
Title: Broadband connectivity: wired and wireless internet technologies in South Korea and the United States
Project Adviser: Jungwoo Ryoo
Poster #23
Student: Rashard Murdock
Title: A comparative analysis of competitive gaming in the U.S. and Korea
Project Adviser: Charlotte McConn
Many thanks to our judges for 2010
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Slep Student Center
Presentations and Winners
Art and Humanities
Poster #1 (Third Place)
Students: Katedra Richardson
Title: On the Shoulders of Giants: Rhetoric and Social Empowerment from Douglass to Obama
Project Adviser: Sandra Petrulionis
Poster #2
Student: Marina Johnson
Title: Jillian, Directed by Marina Johnson
Project Adviser: Robin Reese
Poster #3 (Third Place)
Students: Russell Glass, Vince Yeager, and Amber Miller
Title: Effects of Oxidizer Composition and High Nitrogen Materials on the Burning Rate of Hydroxyl-Terminated Polybutadiene-Based Solid Fuels
Project Adviser: Grant Risha
Poster #4 (Withdrawn)
Health and Life Sciences
Poster #5
Student: Jonathan Guth
Title: A Survey of Streams in New York and Pennsylvania for the Presence of the Invasive New Zealand Mud Snail
Project Adviser: Edward Levri
Poster #6
Student: Janel Huffman
Title: The Effect of Inflorescence Size on the Pollination Success of Mountain Laurel (Kalmia Latifolia)
Project Adviser: Edward Levri
Poster #7
Students: Carol Opiela, Andrea Dubensky, and Ashley Mears
Title: The Effect of Predators on the Response of an Aquatic Snail to Light
Project Adviser: Edward Levri
Poster #8 (Third Place)
Student: Samantha Pedder
Title: Prevalence of Parasites in the Endangered Northern Flying Squirrel and other Members of the Squirrel Family (Sciuridae)
Project Adviser: Carolyn Mahan
Poster #9 (First Place)
Students: Andrew VanKuren
Title: The Potential Effects of Clearcut Size, Clearcut Age, and Deer Management on Oak Regeneration in Central Pennsylvania
Project Adviser: Carolyn Mahan
Poster #10 (Third Place)
Student: Andrew Catherine
Title: Using Circular Dichroism and Nearest-Neighbor Parameters to Tune Potassium KB's of DNA G-Quartets
Project Adviser: Amy Parente
Poster #11
Student: Brittany Bovard
Title: Impacts of Agricultural Chemical Use on Bat Activity and Insect Diversity on Eastern Pennsylvanian Farms
Project Adviser: Michael Gannon
Physical Sciences
Poster #12 (First Place)
Student: Jin-Kwang Kim
Title: Chameleon Calcium Sensor
Project Adviser: Marta Maurer
Poster #13 (Third Place)
Students: Heather McKinney
Title: Photoresponsive Photonic Crystal Hydrogel
Project Adviser: Marta Maurer
Poster #14 (Third Place)
Students: Sydney Moser, Kayla Foor, and Joseph Filer
Title: Revolutionizing Magnetorheological Elastomers: Use of Nanowires to Enhance Controllable Elasticity
Project Adviser: Richard Bell
Social Sciences
Poster #15 (Second Place)
Students: Collette Tesauro and Anjali Rajpara
Title: The Intercorrelation of Dermatoglyphic Characteristics, 2D:4D Ratio, and Spatial Ability
Project Adviser: Robert Matchock
Poster #16 (First Place)
Students: Katlin Farnon
Title: Multiple Intelligences in the Economics Classroom
Project Adviser: Barbara Wiens-Tuers
Poster #17
Student: Kristen Snider
Title: The Quality of Room Arrangement in Preschool Classrooms
Project Adviser: Margaret Benson
Poster #18
Students: Lori Bower, Darlene Pennington, and Amy Greene
Title: Advocating Acceptance: Advancing Social Awareness and Responsibility in the Elementary Classroom Through Children's Literature
Project Adviser: Kirstin Bratt
Poster #19 (Second Place)
Students: Tim Walters
Title: Marital Status, Social Support, Combat Experience, and the Need for VA Services Among Vietnam Veterans
Project Adviser: Dan Lago
The judges for the 2009 URF include:
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Titelman Study, Misciagna Family Center for Performing Arts
Presentations and Winners
Arts and Humanities
Poster #1 (Third Place)
Student: Katlyn M. Palmer
Title: The Life of Walther von der Vogelwelde
Project Adviser: Dr. Ilse-Rose Warg
Poster #2
Students: MinKyung Kim and Sarah Gildea
Title: User Friendly Security
Project Adviser: Dr. Jungwoo Ryoo
Health and Life Sciences
Poster #3 (Third Place)
Student: Andrew T. Van Kuren
Title: Prevalence of Parasites Including Strongyloides Robustus in the Endangered Northern Flying Squirrel and co-occurring Southern Flying Squirrel in Pennsylvania
Project Adviser: Dr. Carolyn Mahan
Poster #4 (Second Place)
Student: Carol Opiela
Title: The Effect of Fish Predator Presence on the Response of a Freshwater Snail to Gravity (Geotactic Response).
Project Adviser: Dr. Ed Levri
Poster #5
Student: Andrea N. Dubensky
Title: The Phototactic Response of a Freshwater Snail in Response to the Presence of Fish Predators
Project Adviser: Dr. Ed Levri
Physical Sciences
Poster #6
Student: Stephanie Shishido and Andrew T. Catherine (First Place)
Title: Using Circular Dichroism and Nearest-Neighbor Parameters to Time Potassium KDS of DNA G-quartets
Project Adviser: Dr. Amy Parente
Poster #7
Student: Benjamin R. Beers
Title: Understanding Magnetorheological Fluids: Cobalt Microwire Length Dependence
Project Adviser: Dr. Richard Bell
Poster #8
Student: Jeremy Cardellino (First Place)
Title: Percolation Studies of Metal-insulator Composites at Microwave Frequencies
Project Adviser: Dr. Darin Zimmerman
Social Sciences
Poster #9
Student: Shannon Beaver (First Place)
Title: The Sexual Identity of College Students at Penn State Altoona
Project Adviser: Dr. Elizabeth Seymour
Poster #10
Student: William J. Rusnak
Title: The Effects of Chronotype and Time-of-Day on the Alerting, Orienting, and Executive Components of Visual Attention
Project Adviser: Dr. Robert Matchock
Poster #11
Student: Desiree Sipes (Second Place)
Title: Banned Book Defense: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
Project Adviser: Dr. Kirstin Bratt
Poster #12
Student: Katherine Imler
Title: Banned Book Defense: Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
Project Adviser: Dr. Kirstin Bratt
Thank you to our URF judges for 2008
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
101-103, Misciagna Family Center for Performing Arts
Presentations and Winners
Arts and Humanities
Poster #1
Student: Michael Evans
Title: Me, Myself and iPod
Project Adviser: Dr. Robert Trumpbour
Poster #2
Student: Jesse Mitchell
Title: The Struggle with History in Les Miserables
Project Adviser: Ms. Erin Sipe
Poster #3 Second Prize
Students: Terry Connell, Steve Santi
Title: Lab-Scale Hybrid Rocket Combustion System Development and Testing
Project Advisers: Dr. Grant Risha, Dr. Todd Batzel, Dr. Bruce Muller
Poster #4 First Prize
Student: Justin Lee, Michael W. Lenhart
Title: A Risk Assessment Framework for Mobile Device – Resident Malwar
Project Adviser: Dr. Jungwoo Ryoo
Health and Life Sciences
Poster #5
Student: Monique DeLisser
Title: The Effects of Mechanical Loading on Forelimb Diaphyseal Bone Growth in Mice
Project Adviser: Dr. Jeffrey Plochocki
Poster #6 First Prize
Student: John Fester
Title: Identification of Genes Affecting Volatile Anesthetic Response in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Project Adviser: Dr. Laura Palmer
[Poster #7 withdrawn]
Poster #8 Third Prize
Students: Ashley A. Kelly
Title: Further Evidence of Invasion by The New Zealand Mud Snail in Lake Erie
Project Adviser: Dr. Ed Levri
Poster #9
Student: Darren L. Slogenhop
Title: Molecular Subtyping of Erwinia Tracheiphila, a Plant Pathogen Responsible for Vascular Wilt Disease in Cucurbits
Project Advisers: Dr. James Winsor, Dr. Alyssa Bumbaugh
Poster #10 Second Prize
Students: Sylwia W. Mrowka, Lucas Parker
Title: Shigella MLVA
Project Adviser: Dr. Alyssa Bumbaugh
Physical Sciences
Poster #11
Student: Josh Karli
Title: Multijunction Nanowire Arrays: A Novel Solar Cell Design
Project Adviser: Dr. Richard Bell
Poster #12 Third Prize
Students: Brittany Richards, Jeff Krug
Title: Nanowire Fabrication
Project Adviser: Dr. Richard Bell
Poster #13 First Prize
Student: Paris Scott
Title: Iridescent Cholesterol Sensor
Project Adviser: Dr. Marta Maurer
Social Sciences
Poster #14 Second Prize
Student: Shannon Beaver
Title: Evaluation of Mentoring for Post Secondary Eduation (MEPSE)
Project Adviser: Dr. Dan Lago
Poster #15
Student: Patrick Cooper
Title: 2D4D ratios, Fluctuating Asymmetry and Developmental Instability
Project Adviser: Dr. Robert Matchock
Poster #16 Third Prize
Student: Kerrie Laird
Title: Economic Costs and Benefits of the Blair County Drug Court
Project Adviser: Dr. Barbara Wiens-Tuers, Dr. Michael Arter
Poster #17
Student: Jason Pennington
Title: The Decision to Invade Iraq
Project Adviser: Dr. Daniel DiLeo
Poster #18
Student: Timothy J. Strohmeyer
Title: Using Power and Motivation as Sources of Influence to Increase Salesperson Performance
Project Adviser: Dr. Tulay Girard
Thank you to our 16 judges
April 11, 2006
Community Arts Center
Presentations and Winners
Poster #1 CDMA Wireless Security
Students: Greg Corbin, Joseph Bellew, Matt Milko, Troy Miller
Adviser: Jungwoo Ryoo
Poster #2 Wireless Hotspots: A Study on Wi-Fi Hotspot Networks
Students: Matthew Holt, Matthew Martin, Michael Selia
Adviser: Jungwoo Ryoo
Health and Life Sciences
Poster #3 The effect of predator presence on the geotactic response in the freshwater snail
Student: Monique DeLisser
Adviser: Ed Levri
Poster #4 An examination of the interaction between an invasive snail and native mollusk biodiversity in Lake Ontario
Student: Ashley A. Kelley, Shane Lunnen (Graduate of Penn State) Second Place
Adviser: Ed Levri
Poster #5 The effect of the number of flowers per inflorescence and number of inflorescences per plant on the pollination success of Kalmia latifolia
Student: Tara Mayhew
Adviser: Ed Levri
Poster #6 Functional Adaptation of the Proximal Femur to Mechanical Loading
Students: Christa J. Riscigno, Monica Garcia First Place
Adviser: Jeffrey H. Plochocki
Poster #7 The Effects of Mechanical Loading on Diaphyseal Bone Growth in Small Cursorial Mammals with Tapered Limbs
Students: Cathleen Zhang, Janelyn P. Rivera, Sahbina Ebba Third Place
Adviser: Jeffrey H. Plochocki
Poster #8 Variability of human femoral head curvature
Students: Cathleen Zhang, Janelyn P. Rivera
Adviser: Jeffrey H. Plochocki
Physical Sciences
Poster #9 Crown Ether and Gramicidin-Based Photonic Crystal Sensors
Students: David Condon, Sara Gould (student Altoona Area High School) Third Place
Adviser: Marta Maurer
Poster #10 Improvement of Dampener Systems and Human Prosthetics: A Study of Particle Shape-Dependence of Magnetorheological Fluids
Students: Josh Karli, Patrick J. Doughtery First Place
Adviser: Richard Bell
Poster #11 Complex Permittivity of Powder Metal Compacts by Cavity Perturbation Technique
Student: Christopher Lynch Second Place
Adviser: Darin Zimmerman
Poster #12 Microwave Heating and Pre-sintering of Copper Powder Metal Compacts in Separated Electric and Magnetic Fields
Student: Kelly Martin
Adviser: Darin Zimmerman
Poster #13 Group XVII: The Salt Formers
Students: Ryan Shay Rychak, Jamie Wagner
Adviser: Marta Mauer
Poster #14 Characteristic of Group 14 Elements
Students: Holly Taylor, Stephanie Shishido
Adviser: Marta Mauer
Social Sciences
Poster #15 Avenues for Business Financing
Student: Michael T. Rethage Second Place
Adviser: Tulay Girard
A special thanks to our judges:
April 5, 2005
Community Arts Center
Presentations and Winners
Health and Life Sciences
Poster #1 Trematode Parasite Infection Influences the Photokinetic Response of a Freshwater Snail
Students: Monique DeLisser, Chelsea Burket, Leocadia Mosquea Third Place
Adviser: Ed Levri
Poster #2 Femoral Modeling and Changes in Body Mass with Growth and Exercise in Juvenile Mice
Students: Monica Garcia, Christa Riscigno
Adviser: Jeff Plochocki
Poster #3 Osteogenic Response to Mechanical Loading: Effects of Exercise and Skeletal Location
Students: Monica Garcia, Christa Riscigno
Adviser: Jeff Plochocki
Poster #4 Wetland Delineation and Assessment on Penn State Altoona’s Mitigated Wetland
Students: Daniel P. Treese, Erin Emeigh
Adviser: Carolyn Mahan
Social Sciences
Poster #5 The Microcredit Revolution: A Case Study of Bolivia
Student: Julia A. Sanjines First Place
Adviser: Barbara Wiens-Tuers
Poster #6 Got Game?: Nintendo GameCube
Students: Branden Snyder, Mindy Weiss, Adam Pufka Second Place
Adviser: Robert Trumpbour
Physical Sciences
Poster #7 Data Analysis for Neutron-Deuteron Analyzing Power at 19 MeV
Student: Bradley D. Buck
Adviser: Gary Weisel
Poster #8 Chemical Constituents of Hyperbaena Valida
Students: Justin M. Huffman, Kristina Huey
Adviser: Mary Menachery
Poster #9 The Prevention of Fuel-Cell Poisoning Using Nanothechnology: Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticle Catalysis
Students: Craig Thomas, Dan Morath Second Place
Adviser: Richard Bell
Poster #10 Magnetic Brakes: Magnetorheological Fluids
Students: Eric Miller, Shem Grove, Craig Thomas First Place
Adviser: Richard Bell
A special thanks to our judges:
April 1, 2004
Community Arts Center
Presentations and Winners
Health and Life Sciences
Poster #1 Identification of Pennsylvania Bats
Student: Shylah M. Bashore
Adviser: Mike Gannon
Poster #2 The Effect of Parasitism on Shell Morphology in the New Zealand Mud Snail, Potamopyrgus Antipodarum
Students: James Dillard, Travis Martin Third Place
Adviser: Ed Levri
Poster #3 Phototactic Responses in Infected and Uninfected New Zealand Snails
Students: Brian Kinkade, Erica Meyers, Leocadia Mosquea, Carolyn Itle First Place
Adviser: Ed Levri
Poster #4 The Effect of Habitat Type on Macroinvertebrate Colonization in a Central Pennsylvania Stream
Student: April Ann Weakland Second Place
Adviser: Ed Levri
Poster #5 Correlations between Personality Style, Physical Symptoms, and Attitudes toward Aging in College Students
Student: Laura Conrad
Adviser: Dan Lago
Poster #6 Freedom and Prosperity in the United States: An Economic Analysis
Student: Jessica Vardiar
Adviser: John D. McGinnis
A special thanks to our judges:
April 8, 2003
Community Arts Center
Presentations and Winners
Health and Life Sciences
Poster #1 The Effect of a Trematode Parasite on the Response of a New Zealand Snail to Gravity
Student(s): Carolyn Itle, Shane Lunnen, Justin Winters, Robert Platt
Adviser: Ed Levri
Poster #2 The Effect of a Trematode Parasite on the Behavior of a New Zealand Snail in Lake Peorua, New Zealand
Student(s): Shane Lunnen, Carolyn Itle Third Place
Adviser: Ed Levri
Poster #3 The Influence of Deer Herbivory on Establishment and Reproductive Success of Mountain Laurel
Student: Diane Rhone
Adviser: Ed Levri
Physical Sciences
Poster #4 Accelerated Mass Spectrometry
Student: Muhammad E. Hasan Second Place
Adviser: Richard Flarend
Poster #5 Lequesnamine A New Oxoaporphine Alkaloid from Ocotea Leucoxylon
Student: Michael Imler
Adviser: Mary Menachery
Poster #6 A New Technique for Identifying Single Molecules on Metal Surfaces
Student: Darrell L. Sharp First Place
Adviser: Darin Zimmerman
Social Sciences
Poster #7 ValuePro Versus Efficient Market Theory
Student: Chelsea Ankney
Adviser: John McGinnis
Poster #8 How Do Comic Strips Influence Children’s Views about Gender?
Student: Cyrstalee Calderwood
Adviser: Karyn McKinney
Poster #9 Autobiographical Research of Undergraduate Women in 2000
Student: Pamela M. Kani
Adviser: Lee Ann De Reus
Poster #10 Trends in Adolescent Drug Use: Blair and Centre County 1997-2001
Student(s): Shannon Keith, Nikki Shaffer, Kelly Ruggiere, Paul Moore, Michelle Watts
Adviser: Dan Lago
Poster #11 Exposure to Media Violence and Increased Aggression in Children
Student: Paul A. Moore
Adviser: Margaret Benson
A special thanks to our judges: