If you have concerns about your student’s use of alcohol and/or other drugs, do not ignore them.
Here are a few suggestions:
- Try to remain calm
- Be honest about your concerns with your student, but don’t be accusatory. Don’t speak in generalities; use specific examples that have led to your concern. For example, “I’m worried about your drinking because ...," or "I'm worried that you may be using drugs because ..."
- you mentioned that you had blackouts (couldn’t remember part of the evening)
- your grades have been falling, and you missed your morning classes several times because you were hungover
- I’ve noticed your tolerance to alcohol has increased
- you have been running out of money and can’t explain why
- I found a pipe (or needle, or pills) in your laundry
- If you need to speak with someone about your concerns, call the Health and Wellness Center at 814-949-5540 and ask to speak with Alyssa Luther Vasko, the Mental Health Outreach Coordinator. Although she cannot speak directly about your student, she can offer some guidelines.
- Encourage your student to seek options through the Health and Wellness Center. Confidential counseling with the Certified Advanced Alcohol and Other Drug Counselor is available.