Be a Suspenders4Hope Mental Health Advocate
Penn State Altoona faculty and staff, please complete these steps to receive a certificate and recognition as a mental health advocate on campus.
- Utilize #WeSupportU Mental Wellness in the Classroom Cards (See below).
- Complete the free #WeSupportU Preventing Suicide Training and encourage students to complete it too.
- Click "Take the Training" then "Click Here to Register" under Suspenders4Hope Partners. Create an account with your Penn State email address. Click the training option "PSA."
- Be visible, vocal, and vulnerable by sharing your story.
- Check in with students and encourage them to check on one another.
- Wear your Suspenders4Hope shirt: free to students and $15 for faculty and staff when you present your certificate at the Health and Wellness Center.
- Download the #WeSupportU Suspender4Hope Mental Health advocate badge and add it to your email signature and professional profile.
- If a student is in distress, refer them to Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).
Tips for Leaders to Promote Mental Wellness in the Workplace
- Utilize #WeSupportU Mental Wellness in the Workplace Cards (Adobe PDF) during trainings, team building, and staff meetings.
- Schedule and sponsor Suspenders4Hope days within your area where all members wear their Suspenders4Hope shirts in support of mental wellness.
- Share wellness content and use the #WeSupportU to share your own messages of hope on your professional pages.
- Encourage participation in the Suicide Prevention Trainings and set a goal for the number of members trained, number of events, number of mental wellness related posts, etc.
- Identify and assign champions and/or ambassadors for the cause that care about mental health to spread the importance of mental wellness.
- Check in on teammates and support members that are struggling by referring them to office and community resources.
- Be vulnerable. It’s important for individuals in leadership positions to normalize mental health.
- Ensure everyone in your area is aware of office and community resources. Look for the crisis and non-crisis resources sheet.
Tips for Leaders to Promote Mental Wellness in the Workplace