Chancellor and Dean Dr. Lori J. Bechtel-Wherry offers opening remarks at the annual faculty and staff awards ceremony.
Penn State Altoona faculty and staff members were honored for their service and exemplary work during the annual Faculty and Staff Awards ceremony held May 4 on campus. In addition to recognizing retirees and those with five, ten, fifteen, and twenty years of service, several faculty and staff received awards unique to Penn State Altoona.
Recipients are: Pinaki Das, Athleen J. Stere Teaching Award; Mark Oswalt, Outstanding Lecturer Award; Todd Davis, Fred Allen Womack and Frances Sue Zimmerman Womack Book Award; Wojciech Dorabiala, Outstanding Achievment in Research and Creative Activity; Doug Page, Grace D. Long Faculty Excellence Award; Gina Baird, Chris Lawson, and Matt Boring, Ted J. Long Staff Excellence Award; and Mandi Ronan and Cathy Dillen, Barbara Long-Beck Excellence Award.
Photos of the event can be found on the Penn State Altoona web site.
Years of Service Award Recipients
5 Years of Service
William Bostic, Shannon Harpster, Michael Hicks, Laurie Porter, John Rosson, Gregory Scallen, Susan Stevens.
10 Years of Service
Mihai Comanescu, Tracey Elkin, Carrie Freie, Thomas Krainer, Judy Paul, Sofie Riley, Grant Risha, Michele Umstead, Dennis Yahner.
15 Years of Service
David Barnes, Eleanor Feeley, Cherrie Henry, Michele Kennedy, Edward Levri, Mary Lou Nemanic, Mary Ann Probst, Jennifer Reed, Thomas Shaffer, Jennifer Slusser, Amy Uliano.
20 Years of Service
Gina Baird, Mark Hoover, Bonnie Imler, Michelle Keith, Brad Long, Michael Lucas, Sandra Petrulionis, Peter Shull, Michael Weiner.