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Group Improv Session

Happy Valley Improv fuses artform with pedagogy

Penn State faculty Andrea McCloskey and Sam Tanner are quite serious about the often comedic artform of improv. They are two of the four founders of Happy Valley Improv, and behind the performative emotions the two are whittling away at how their artform can serve to transform teaching in the classroom.
Educators from 7 Penn State campuses and the University of Virginia attend the 2019 Human Flourishing Summer Teaching Institute

Course in 'The Art and Science of Human Flourishing' expanding to 7 campuses

Based upon early successes, “The Art and Science of Human Flourishing” will be offered as a three-credit course at seven Penn State campuses — Altoona, Brandywine, Fayette, Greater Allegheny, Mont Alto, University Park and York — and is the focus of a research study evaluating possible outcomes in increased student health and well-being.