Story originally posted June 24, 2013
Mary Lou Nemanic, associate professor of communications, has had documentary photographs accepted into the permanent collection of the United States Hockey Hall of Fame. Taken during the 1980s, the 16x20 toned silver prints feature former U.S. hockey great John Mariucci. They are a part of a twenty-print exhibit of hockey photographs that will be placed on regular display.
The pictures were presented in Minneapolis during a recent research and documentary trip that included photographing murals in Ottawa, IL, researching media at various universities, and presenting documentary work at an American Studies symposium at the University of Minnesota.
Nemanic's most recently produced documentary, The Iron Range Family Album, is currently airing in northern Minnesota and on the Minneapolis Television Network. Another documentary Cattlemen's Days: The Grandaddy of Colorado Rodeos was winner of the Best Feature-Length Documentary at the Iris Film Festival in 2009.