Jessica Showalter discusses her poster with Pennsylvania Library Association President Tina Hertel.
Two Eiche Library staff members presented at the Pennsylvania Library Association (PaLA) Conference held in Harrisburg October 14-17, 2018. PaLA is the oldest professional library organization serving all types of libraries across the state.
Library Director Bonnie Imler offered the lecture “Carving Out Intimate Study Areas in an Open Floor Plan.” She discussed the importance of meeting students at their point of need by deliberately creating distinct library study zones for individuals, study buddies, and collaborative groups. Imler’s interactive presentation included a demonstration of an online “Cosmo Quiz” she developed for introducing students to these zones during first year library instruction. Attendees were eligible for one hour of Act 48 credits.
Jessica Showalter, information resources & services support specialist, presented the poster, “Using Canva to Liven Up Your Library’s Social Media.” Her poster provided an overview and tips for using the free online graphic design tool Canva to help library professionals energize their social media channels and improve community engagement.