Alexander Diehm (left) is presented a certificate by Penn State Altoona Librarian Lori Lysiak.
Alexander Diehm received the University Libraries Award for Information Literacy for his poster, “Using Photoconductive Decay (PCD) to Measure Minority Carrier Lifetime in Semiconductors,” presented at Penn State Altoona's Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Fair (URCAF) held on April 14.
Diehm was awarded a certificate and $100. His poster, along with other winning posters from URCAF, will be displayed in the Eiche Library until the end of the semester. As a new initiative this year, all poster award winners are encouraged to upload their posters to Scholarsphere, the institutional repository.”
Penn State Altoona Library Director Bonnie Imler and Penn State Altoona librarians Lori Lysiak and Mary Lou Patrick served as judges at URCAF. They were joined by Hailley Fargo, Student Engagement and Outreach Librarian at University Park. Working in teams of two, the librarians judged the posters using a rubric based on the Association of College and Research Libraries Framework for Information Literacy.
Imler says, “We were the first Commonwealth campus to start giving out this award two years ago, and we’re happy to see that it is spreading to other Commonwealth campuses. We’re putting a lot of effort into the rubric to make sure that campus libraries are all on the same page across the Commonwealth.” Laura Rotunno, coordinator of URCAF, adds, “We feel very lucky to add the University Libraries Award to the prizes at the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Fair. I feel it is a truly essential addition because it recognizes, and thereby reminds, everyone of the ‘behind the scenes’ work that the students, in conjunction with their faculty and our great University librarians, do to bring these projects to fruition.”