Penn State Altoona honors faculty, staff at awards ceremony

 Emili award

Lisa Emili receives the Athleen J. Stere Teaching Award during Penn State Altoona's faculty and staff awards ceremony.

Credit: Marissa Carney

ALTOONA, Pa. — Penn State Altoona faculty and staff members were honored for their service and exemplary work during the annual Faculty and Staff Awards Ceremony held May 3 on campus. In addition to recognizing retirees and those with up to 40 years of service, several faculty and staff received awards unique to Penn State Altoona.

Award recipients are: Lisa Emili, Athleen J. Stere Teaching Award; Edwin Sell, Outstanding Lecturer Award; Pamela Blackmon, Fred Allen Womack and Frances Sue Zimmerman Womack Book Award; Grant Risha, Outstanding Achievment in Research and Creative Activity; Alessia Zanin-Yost, Grace D. Long Faculty Excellence Award; Eleanor Feeley, Lori Hoffman and Donna Pearlman, Ted J. Long Staff Excellence Award; and Julie Decker and Billie Lewis, Barbara Long-Beck Excellence Award.