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Sphinx Virtuosi

The Sphinx Virtuosi to perform as part of Altoona's Classical Music Project

The Center for the Performing Arts at Penn State is partnering with Penn State Altoona to present two free public programs featuring the music ensemble the Sphinx Virtuosi on Sept. 28. Artists from the group will participate in a forum held in the Titelman Study of the Misciagna Family Center for Performing Arts at 3 p.m. A concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Paul K. and Margery Wolf Kuhn Theatre.
Penn State Student Health Center

New students, those in University housing must submit immunization records

Students who are new to Penn State and all students living in University housing are reminded that they must submit their immunization records using myUHS through a new three-step process. As part of this process, students who do not submit their immunization records prior to Sept. 15 will be unable to register for spring 2017 classes.