The occupational outlook for technical writers is strong, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. English majors who enjoy writing, problem solving, and engaging with technology should consider the Technical Writing concentration. Technical writers are in demand in business, industry, government, and the sciences, and the concentration prepares students for careers in this growing field.
Students should select four courses (twelve credits) from the list below. The four courses required for a concentration may also count toward the English major. Additionally, students are encouraged (but not required) to develop capstone projects based on their selected concentration for ENGL 487W: Senior Seminar, insofar as these projects are feasible under the direction of the course instructor and within the overall purview of the specific course theme.
Required courses
Take both for six credits.
- ENGL 202C: Effective Writing: Technical Writing
- ENGL 418: Advanced Technical Writing and Editing
Choose two for six credits
- ENGL 209: Journal Practicum (1 credit; repeat 3 times)
- ENGL 211W: Intro to Writing Studies
- ENGL 213: Intro to Poetry Writing
- ENGL 214: Intro to Creative Nonfiction Writing
- ENGL 215: Intro to Article Writing
- ENGL 229: Digital Studies
- ENGL 250: Peer Tutoring in Writing
- ENGL 413: Advanced Poetry Writing
- ENGL 415: Advanced Nonfiction Writing
- ENGL 416: Science Writing
- ENGL 417: The Editorial Process
- ENGL 420: Writing for the Web
- ENGL 421: Advanced Expository Writing
- ENGL 470: Rhetorical Theory and Practice
- ENGL 471: Rhetorical Traditions
- ENGL 472: Current Theories of Writing and Reading
- ENGL 473: Rhetorical Approaches to Discourse
- ENGL 474: Issues in Rhetoric & Composition
- ENGL 478: Grant Writing
- ENGL 480: Communication Design for Writers
- ENGL 487W: Senior Seminar (depending on theme)
- ENGL 491: Capstone Course in Professional Writing
- ENGL 496: Internship (depending on theme)
- ENGL 497: Independent Study (depending on theme)
- CAS 214W: Speechwriting
- COMM/IST 234N: Digital Cultures
- COMM 260W: News Writing and Reporting
- COMM 270: Intro to Multimedia Production
- DIGIT 100: Intro to Digital Humanities
- GD 100: Intro to Graphic Design