Lara LaDage and Jennilyn Vallejera
A group of Penn State faculty and students have had a research manuscript published in Advances in Physiology Education.
Penn State Altoona's Lara LaDage, assistant professor of biology, and Jennilyn Vallejera, instructor in electro-mechanical engineering technology, Samantha Tornello, assistant professor of psychology at University Park, and Penn State Altoona students Emily Baker, Yue Yan, and Anik Chowdhury conducted a pedagogical research project examining how different active learning behaviors contribute to increased gains in learning and retention. The resultant manuscript, "Variation in behavioral engagement during an active learning activity leads to differential knowledge gains in college students," was accepted for publication in the Advances in Physiology Education journal, which promotes and disseminates educational scholarship in order to enhance teaching and learning of physiology, neuroscience and pathophysiology.