With the support of a $45,000 National Science Foundation (NSF) grant, Mark W. Johnson, professor of mathematics, has been able to co-organize a week-long international conference at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne.
Homotopy theory: tools and applications will be held July 17-21. The aim of the conference is to survey recent advances in the fundamental tools of homotopy theory (including abstract homotopy theory, equivariant homotopy, obstruction-theoretic methods), to highlight future directions of research, including applications to chromatic homotopy theory, motivic homotopy theory, and derived algebraic geometry. The conference includes lectures by twenty of the top people in the field of homotopy theory from around the world and separate parallel talks by volunteers.
Participants from around the globe are scheduled to attend, from institutions as far away as India, Israel, or Korea, along with researchers from top U.S. universities such as Cornell, Harvard, MIT, and Stanford.
More information about the conference can be found on the University of Illinois Mathematics web site.