Mail Service
Student mailboxes are located in the lobby area of Port-Sky Café near the Housing and Food Services office. All correspondence should be addressed:
Student's Name
Mailbox Number
Penn State Altoona
3000 Ivyside Drive
Housing and Food Services
Altoona PA 16601-3760
Student Parking
Student parking behind residence halls is for temporary unloading and loading of persons or items and is restricted to 15 minutes, with flashers, in the designated spaces. There are parking lots located near each residence hall to accommodate the vehicles of campus residents and their guests.
All resident and guest vehicles must be registered with the Parking Office and have appropriate permits in plain view. All parking regulations are strictly enforced, and citations will be issued for failing to register vehicles and/or parking outside the designated areas.
Loading and unloading behind residence halls are strictly limited to 15 minutes only with flashers on. Continued non-compliance with parking regulations will result in disciplinary action up to and including the loss of parking privileges.
Questions should be directed to the Parking Office at 814-949-5290.
Each residence hall is furnished with a University telephone. Additional telephones are located in the lobby and one on each floor.
- On-campus calls: Dial the last four digits of the phone number (this is also called an extension).
- Off-campus calls: If you are dialing a local number, you must dial a "9" followed by the number. Long-distance calls require a standard telephone calling card.
Inclement Weather
Classes may be delayed or canceled due to inclement weather. In order to find out the status of the campus due to weather sign up for PSUAlert. Residents can also check their hall lobbies and the Penn State Altoona homepage for updates.
AMTRAN provides regular bus service to all Penn State Altoona students with a current Penn State ID. Visit the AMTRAN site for a complete list of bus schedules and pick-up locations.