University housing is provided and intended for use by the students assigned to the area and for their invited guests. A guest is defined as a person visiting a student in their assigned residence hall at the request of the student. Delivery persons are not considered guests. The University reserves the right to revoke the privilege of a guest policy at any time. Students will be notified if this occurs. If a student violates the guest regulations, including University students who are unescorted in a building, they will be referred to Residence Life and/or the Office of Student Accountability and Conflict Response.
Overnight guests are not permitted to stay in University housing until after the first day of classes for the current semester, as announced by the University Registrar. This restriction helps ease the congestion of the move-in process and allows roommates the opportunity to get to know each other and decide how to handle overnight guests.
The host student has the responsibility to ensure that their guest is aware of and understands University policies. Guests will be held accountable for their own actions. The host student may be held accountable for the behavior of the guest and for any damages committed by the guest unless the guest is also a University student.
A student is permitted to have a guest in their room only if the student’s roommate(s) has granted permission.
The guest cannot receive a room key or building access card. The host student is responsible for escorting their guest at all times. The host student is not permitted to give the guest their room key or Penn State id+ Card to gain access to the room or building.
The guest may stay in the student’s room for a maximum of three consecutive nights. The guest may not move from one host’s room to another host’s room in an attempt to extend their stay in University-housing past the three nights.
Only students living in the assigned housing and their invited guests are permitted in the living areas of the building, including individual rooms, floor lounges, and common area spaces. If an individual who is not a resident of the building or a guest of a resident is found in the building, the individual will be considered to be trespassing.
The guest may only use the appropriate gender restroom/shower facilities.
The University reserves the exclusive right to modify the guest policy at any time, in the event that health or safety concerns require such a change to ensure a proper educational environment or safeguard the health and safety of individuals or the campus community.