Practical Advice
- Start entering your info in Activity Insight now.
- Encourage your students to fill out the SRTEs* in your courses. They can complete them on their cell phones during class.
- Get on the program of at least one conference a year.
- Get to know others publishing in your specialty.
- Take advantage of summers for research.
- Discuss your research goals with your division head; expectations vary for different disciplines. Try consistently to have projects in all stages of the pipeline (in progress, submitted, under review, accepted).
- Ask colleagues to share their narrative statements with you.
- Aim for significant, valuable service that does not come at the expense of your research.
- Make sure you familiarize yourself with guidelines and requirements regarding COVID-19, if applicable.
- At the end of each review, read letters written at all levels.
*SRTEs = Student Rating of Teaching Effectiveness, PSU’s teaching evaluation forms
Clerical Advice
- Several times a semester, make a list of your advisees and record the longest list.
- Keep copies of conference programs.
- Keep emails or letters of acceptance. (If sent to co-author, get a copy.)
- Keep copies of publications (not just the manuscripts). You will provide electronic copies of each publication for each level of review.
- If you publish a book, get two copies for second- and fourth-years (ten for tenure-year). The division will usually pay for these.
- Keep a copy of your grant applications.
- Please note that even though it is your second-, fourth-, or sixth-year review, your dossier is completed at the end of your first, third, and fifth years, respectively.
- By March of each review year, you will receive emails from the ADAA and P&T Coordinator with instructions and deadlines.
- Do not take the word of colleagues regarding deadlines; there are different timelines for different levels of review.
- For second-year reviews, a draft of your narrative statement is due to your division head in mid-July, and a draft of your second-year dossier is due in mid-August. (For fourth-year reviews and beyond, as well as all promotions, narrative statements are due April 1, and dossier drafts are due May 30).
- In the fall, the P&T Coordinator will be in touch with questions and edits.
The Fine Print
- Nothing in these tips comes with a guarantee of tenure and promotion.
- Penn State’s unofficial P&T motto is “no surprises.”
- Know that we want you to be successful.
When in doubt, ASK
Erin Murphy
Professor of English
Promotion and Tenure Coordinator for the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
212 Hawthorn Building
[email protected]