Division of Business, Engineering and Information Sciences & Technology Promotion Procedures for Non-tenure-line Faculty
Procedures for implementing the University’s policy on promotion and tenure are described Policy AC21 and informed by the “Administrative Guidelines for AC23.” Procedures for implementing the Altoona College’s policy on promotion and tenure are described in two documents: (1) Guidelines for Promotion of Non-tenure-line Faculty to The Second Rank and (2) Guidelines for Promotion of Non-tenure-line Faculty to The Third Rank. This document complies with those. The following further specifies procedures for the Division of Business, Engineering and Information Sciences & Technology in the Altoona College (the Division) but does not supersede Altoona College or university-wide guidelines.
Purpose. The Division-level of review is the one that is closest to the candidate in terms of their mission and discipline. It is the level that is most sensitive to the candidates’ work setting.
Eligibility. These guidelines cover all full-time non-tenure-line faculty members in the Division.
Review Process
The Division Level of Review for Non-Tenure Line Faculty Members in the Division of Business, Engineering and Information Sciences & Technology in the Altoona College
Preparing for the Promotion Review Process
Non-Tenure Line Faculty members interested in being considered for promotion will follow Policy AC21 and the College Guidelines referenced above. Note: Candidates interested in being promoted to the second rank must be completing at least the fourth year of service before expressing interest to be reviewed for promotion.
The Division’s Non-tenure-line Promotion Review Committee
Size. The Division’s Non-tenure-line Promotion Review Committee shall consist of three faculty members or an odd number greater than or equal to the number of different disciplines represented among the candidates for that year. Unless there are unusual circumstances, the Committee shall be limited to no more than seven members.
Eligibility to Serve. The Division’s promotion peer reviews shall be conducted by faculty members in the Division whenever possible. Only non-tenure line faculty members of the second or third rank are eligible to serve on the committee. Only faculty members with rank higher than that of the candidate may vote during promotion decisions, and a minimum of three voting members is required. At least one voting member of the committee must be from the candidate’s academic discipline. A candidate’s discipline will be determined through consultation between the candidate and the Division Head. If there is disagreement, the Chief Academic Officer of Penn State Altoona shall mediate the dispute; the Chancellor shall be the final arbiter. If necessary, the Division Head may appoint committee members from outside the Division (or the College) to meet these requirements. If there should be insufficient numbers of higher-ranked non-tenure-line faculty, exceptions to this provision may be permitted by the Executive Vice President and Provost at the request of the Division Head and Chancellor. No faculty member may serve on more than one level of review of any given candidate during a particular review cycle. No Penn State Altoona academic administrator, including division heads, shall serve on the Division’s Non-tenure-line Promotion Review Committee.
Selection. Annually, the Division Head shall poll all eligible Division faculty members who will be asked to indicate if they would be willing to serve on the Division’s Non-tenure-line Promotion Review Committee. From the willing, the Division shall elect a Non-tenure-line Promotion Review Committee to conduct promotion reviews for its non-tenure-line faculty. Only full-time non-tenure-line faculty members in the Division are eligible to vote for the members of the review committee. The term of service for elected members shall be two years and terms shall be staggered to ensure continuity of membership. The committee will select its own chair.
Evaluation of the dossier by the committee. The Division Head will make completed dossiers available to the committee and will call the initial meeting of the committee to review policies and procedures. The Division Head shall consult with the committee to ensure that all members are well informed about each candidate’s dossier and about the criteria of the Division, the College, and the University; however, the Division Head and the Committee shall render independent judgments of the candidates being reviewed. The Division Head shall not be present during peer review discussions or when votes are being taken. Peer review discussions will take place only at meetings where all committee members eligible to vote and only committee members eligible to vote are present. Committee members will not conduct private peer review discussions. After due deliberation and a vote, the committee will submit to the Division Head a letter of evaluation for each candidate based on the dossier. This letter must address each criterion based on the evidence in the dossier. When the committee has not reached a unanimous opinion, a discussion of the reasons for the divergent opinions must be addressed in the letter.
Evaluation of the dossier by the Division Head. After receiving the letter of evaluation of the Division’s Non-tenure-line Promotion Review Committee and placing it in the candidate’s dossier, the Division Head shall prepare a letter of evaluation also addressing each criterion based on the evidence in the dossier and place it in the dossier. The Division Head shall submit the dossier to the Chancellor of the Altoona College for review by the Altoona College Non-tenure-line Promotion Review Committee.
When the Division Head differs with the Division’s Committee, consultation must occur about reasons for divergence. Consultation should be initiated by the Division Head. Consultation should be initiated after the previous review has been completed and a recommendation has been made in writing. The letter from the Division’s Committee cannot be revised after the consultation.