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Red-throated Caracara perched in tree

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Penn State Altoona researcher Mark Bonta said the team that discovered the Red-throated Caracara in Honduras to "community conservation" -- a philosophy that stresses grassroots activism and connections with local residents and leaders.

red-throated caracara perched in tree

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The Red-throated Caracara mysteriously disappeared from most of Central America and Mexico about 30 years ago. A team led by a Penn State Altoona researcher recently discovered a nest of the rare raptor.

red-throated caracara perched in tree

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Mark Bonta, assistant professor of earth science, Penn State Altoona, said that the discovery of the Red-throated Caracara is one step in his 20-year journey to help solve "one of the enduring mysteries" of the bird's rapid population decline in the region.

Elvin Munguia

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Elvin Manguia, one of the team members who helped locate the nest of Caracaras, leans against an oak tree during the search. The Peregrine Fund sponsored the search.

habitat of the red-throated caracara

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Mark Bonta and his team needed local connections to find the Red-throated Caracara nest because the search area in Honduras is large -- about the size of the nation of El Salvador, or the size of several counties in Pennsylvania -- and thickly forested.

Red-throated Caracara perched in tree

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"Finding a Caracara nest had been on my bucket list of things to do for almost 20 years," says Mark Bonta, a Penn State Altoona researcher, who is working with locals in Olancho, Honduras, to understand more about a recently discovered Caracara nest.

Laura Rotunno


Laura Rotunno poses with a British mail bag and an image of her newest book

Move-In and Welcome Week 2013
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Move-In and Welcome Week 2013

Move- In Day 2013 went off without a hitch August 22, as Penn State Altoona welcomed 750 first year students to its residence halls, and approximately 1400 total first-year students to campus.