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Authorization must be requested to the Financial Officer ([email protected]) from your budget administrator. Once the request is done, the employee must complete and pass, new cardholder training.
Memberships require pre-approval from the Chancellor and therefore cannot be charged to the card. Normally the University will not pay for individual memberships to organizations. However, some organizations are structured in such a way that only individual memberships are available. In rare instances where, in the judgment of the budget executive, the University can only be represented in such a manner, and the charges for individual memberships will be processed for payment. Requests for approval are made via a special request for check and must have included a signed Membership Approval Form.
The card can only be used for individual and group meals if the cardholder has Travel limits on his/her card.
Only authorized caterers are permitted. Those caterers are listed on the Office of the Corporate Controller's web site.
Gifts are not permissible on general funds using any form of payment.
Contact the vendor to request a new receipt. If the vendor cannot provide a new receipt then a "support form for lost or unobtainable receipt" must be issued.
No, splitting any transactions is a direct violation of university purchasing policies and procedures and could result in card suspension.
Only if the packing list is priced and itemized.
Yes, however that employee must receive your permission and as a reminder, you are the cardholder and any unauthorized charges that are against university policy will be your responsibility. As the cardholder, you must also sign the purchasing card support form.
Immediately call PNC bank at, 800-685-4039. Next contact the Finance Office.
Yes, a purchasing card support form must be filled out for both the charge and credit. Vendors do not always provide a credit slip in which case you will need to contact the vendor for a credit slip.
Contact vendor for a credit on the tax amount. Once a credit is issued, a purchasing card support form needs to be completed and submitted along with the credit receipt.