If you have received a notice of an alleged academic integrity violation filed against you, the email will contain instructions on how to log in to the Academic Integrity System. This is a guide to using that system.
The Academic Integrity System is a web application that you can use to respond to academic integrity violations. It allows you to accept or contest the allegations and/or any proposed sanctions and provide explanations or other evidence in dispute of the allegations or sanctions. The system is designed to facilitate communication between you and your instructor. If you accept both the allegation(s) and the sanction(s), the claim will be forwarded to a committee for review and a final decision. If you do not, your response is returned to the instructor, who can elaborate on the information they have provided. If they do, you will get a second opportunity to respond to their response.
If you have already done so, you should discuss any academic integrity violation claims with your instructor, face-to-face or by phone, before proceeding.
Last updated October 29, 2021