Guest participation is very helpful to students, and we encourage you to attend New Student Orientation. Please note that some activities during the day are planned just for students. College is an opportunity for students to begin making decisions on their own. It is critical for them to take responsibility for their choices of classes, schedules, and majors. Penn State advisers are helpful resources as they make these important decisions. Encourage your student to establish a good relationship with their adviser. That adviser will be a reliable source of information, someone your student can go to with any question or problem.
We hope that guests will review the New Student Orientation site with their first-year student and encourage them to take responsibility for getting answers to their questions. We have developed a program specifically designed to meet the needs of both students and their guests.
If you have questions after New Student Orientation, you are welcome to call the Academic Advising Center and one of our professional advisers will be happy to answer questions. The telephone number for the Advising Center is 814-949-5084. We are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Important Web sites for guests: