Writing Objectives: Key Verbs
Cognitive (Thinking) Domain
The following key verbs will help to write good objectives and also establish a relative "taxonomic level" for each objective.
Note: Some verbs may be applicable within more than one category: for example, depending on the situation, "calculate" may fit under application or analysis.
Level 1: Recall
- Cite
- Choose
- Define
- Label
- List
- Locate
- Match
- Name
- Recall
- Recognize
- Record
- Repeat
- Select
- State
- Write
- Arrange
- Associate
- Clarify
- Classify
- Convert
- Describe
- Diagram
- Draw
- Discuss
- Estimate
- Explain
- Express
- Identify
- Locate
- Outline
- Paraphrase
- Report
- Restate
- Review
- Sort
- Summarize
- Transfer
- Translate
Level 2: Interpretation
- Adapt
- Apply
- Catalogue
- Chart
- Compute
- Consolidate
- Demonstrate
- Develop
- Employ
- Extend
- Extrapolate
- Generalize
- Illustrate
- Infer
- Interpolate
- Interpret
- Manipulate
- Modify
- Order
- Predict
- Prepare
- Produce
- Relate
- Sketch
- Submit
- Tabulate
- Transcribe
- Use
- Utilize
- Analyze
- Appraise
- Audit
- Break down
- Calculate
- Categorize
- Certify
- Compare
- Contrast
- Correlate
- Criticize
- Deduce
- Defend
- Detect
- Diagram
- Differentiate
- Discriminate
- Distinguish
- Examine
- Infer
- Inspect
- Investigate
- Question
- Reason
- Separate
- Solve
- Survey
- Test
- Uncover
- Verify
Level 3: Problem-solving
- Arrange
- Assemble
- Build
- Combine
- Compile
- Compose
- Conceive
- Construct
- Create
- Design
- Devise
- Discover
- Draft
- Formulate
- Generate
- Integrate
- Make
- Manage
- Organize
- Plan
- Predict
- Prepare
- Propose
- Reorder
- Reorganize
- Set up
- Structure
- Synthesize
- Appraise
- Approve
- Assess
- Choose
- Conclude
- Confirm
- Criticize
- Critique
- Diagnose
- Evaluate
- Judge
- Justify
- Prioritize
- Prove
- Rank
- Rate
- Recommend
- Research
- Resolve
- Revise
- Rule on
- Select
- Support
- Validate