About 40 students, faculty and staff will be among the first inductees during the first induction ceremony into the college’s new Theta Chi Chapter of Alpha Alpha Alpha, the national honor society for first-generation college students at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 4, in the Slep Student Center.
ALTOONA, Pa. — Join Penn State Altoona in an evening of firsts on Thursday, April 4.
About 40 students, faculty and staff will be among the first inductees during the first induction ceremony into the college’s new Theta Chi Chapter of Alpha Alpha Alpha, the national honor society for first-generation college students.
The ceremony will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Pond View Lounge of the Slep Student Center.
Alpha Alpha Alpha, or Tri-Alpha, was founded in 2018 at Moravian College (now Moravian University) in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The society now exists at colleges and universities in 39 states.
Tri-Alpha recognizes the academic achievements of first-generation college students, creates enthusiasm for scholarship, promotes leadership, and provides support networks for first-generation students. Faculty and staff who are inducted into Alpha Alpha Alpha will be available to serve as mentors for student members.
Inductees will receive a pin and certificate. Students will also receive cords to wear at their graduation.