Altoona Benefiting THON, with the help of the Center for Student and Civic Engagement, will host a Holiday Craft Fair on Tuesday, Dec. 10 from noon to 2 p.m. in the Pond View Lounge of the Slep Student Center. Students, faculty, staff, and outside vendors are welcome to reserve a table to participate in the market.
Students and recognized student organizations may host a table free of charge. Faculty, staff, and outside vendors must be sponsored. In order to be sponsored, a small donation of $10 will be collected and donated to Altoona Benefiting THON's fundraising efforts. Table hosts are responsible for setup, tear-down, and having someone available to run the table.
Those wishing to host a table should complete the online registration form. Registration will be open until Thursday, Dec. 5 at noon.
The University prohibits the sale of the following items:
- Homemade lotions
- Make-up
- Hair products
- Other personal care items.
Food items cannot be sold on University property without permission from Port-Sky Café administration.