This document outlines various types of documentation/training required by faculty who work in the laboratory sciences as well as students who work with them as undergraduate researchers (e.g., work-study, independent study, wage payroll, research, etc.)
Paperwork/training required for an undergraduate researcher:
Independent Study Registration Form (only if applicable)
Complete the Course by Arrangement Request
SARI (Scholarship and Research Integrity) training
- Visit the SARI training site.
- Click on the link title “Online Courses through CITI”
- Click on “1. Register for Penn State’s CITI courses at”
Once registered, students should complete the appropriate course. A series of questions will guide one to the correct curriculum (e.g., for life sciences it would be the Biomedical Responsible Conduct of Research Course; for physical sciences, the Physical Science Responsible Conduct of Research Course, etc.)
Students should print certificate issued at the completion of the course; copies go in lab binder and also to Mark/Lynn
Safety Training
We suggest using Firefox to view this training.
- Go to the EHS training website.
- Click on the link title “Training” on the right side of the screen (indicated by the red arrow in the image below).
If you were not logged into the Penn State system, you will be prompted to log in.
- Within the “EHS On-Line Course Registration” screen click on the tab labeled “Courses.”
- Click the link labeled “Laboratory Safety and Laboratory Hazard Communication (HazCom).” Below you will see a dropdown list of available training.
If you are a new student or Faculty, you will choose Non-University Park Laboratory and Research training (initial)
- Click Enroll in the middle of the screen.
- Complete each module, after each quiz save your certificate after each one (recommend as a pdf).
- Print two copies of the certificates, one for your laboratory safety management book kept in your research space, and one copy can be given to Mark or Lynn.
- The researcher should bring the student to Lynn with completed certificates and Lynn will keep a copy and make a Laboratory training certificate to place in Researchers Binder.
If you have previously completed the initial training, you will need to complete the refresher.
- Choose Non-University Park Laboratory and Research Safety and Spill Response refresher.
- Be sure to register online by clicking “Complete“ on the bottom middle of the screen.
- Click in the middle of the screen Non-University Park Laboratory Safety and Spill Response Plans (refresher) to access the training video.
- Complete the module and save your certificate (recommended as a pdf).
- Print two copies of the certificates, one for your laboratory safety management book kept in your research space, and one copy can be given to Mark or Lynn.
Unit-specific Plan
The student should read and sign the research laboratory’s unit-specific plan (copy of this goes to Mark/Lynn)
Appropriate IACUC training (if applicable)
Faculty member paperwork:
Complete/update a unit-specific plan for research lab (including SOPs for lab protocols) (updated annually)
Sign certification page; this should go in the lab binder and to Mark/Lynn
- Training on how to write an SOP
- UCLA's template library (Penn State has permission to modify these examples)
Complete Lab Safety Refresher Training Module(annually – January)
Print two copies of the certificates, one for your laboratory safety management book kept in your research space and one copy can be given to Mark/Lynn
- Go to the EHS training website.
- Click on the link titled: “EHS On-Line Course Registration”
- Log in using your normal PSU login info.
- Click on the tab labeled “courses”
- Click the link labeled “Laboratory Safety and Laboratory Hazard Communication (HazCom)”
- Click the link titled Laboratory Safety Refresher Training (12:50 minutes)
Library Hazard Communication
All faculty members in the laboratory sciences must now complete the Laboratory Hazard Communication (this is a one-time training.) If you have taken the Initial Laboratory Safety Training during fall 2013 this training is built into the 4 modules and you will not have to take this again.
- Go to the EHS training website.
- Click on the link titled: “EHS On-Line Course Registration”
- Log in using your normal PSU login info.
- Click on the tab labeled “courses”
- Click the link labeled “Laboratory Safety and Laboratory Hazard Communication”
- Click the link titled Laboratory Hazard Communication Training (27:41 minutes/50 slides)
Print two copies of the certificates, one for your laboratory safety management book kept in your research space and one copy can be given to Mark/Lynn
Penn State Laboratory Safety Self-Inspection Form
Complete the Penn State Laboratory Safety Self-Inspection Form (annually – January). Place a copy in the laboratory safety management book kept in your research space and one copy can be given to Mark/Lynn
Chemical Inventory-CHIMS
Complete/Update Chemical Inventory-CHIMS (annually – January). Place a copy in the binder and to Mark/Lynn, send Excel CHIMS file to Lynn
Project Renewal Forms
Complete/update project renewal forms from the Office of Research Protections (if applicable)
Compile MSDSs for all chemicals in the lab and make available in a binder (updated annually)