Academic Plan—Multidisciplinary Studies
- Statement of Focus and Theme: Technology in an Energy Efficient Business Economy
- Subjects of Focus: IST, Business, and Energy/geo environmental Engineering
I am pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Multidisciplinary Studies. Within these three areas, I hope to obtain the skill set required in information technology to accurately forecast technology needs in a global business economy. My courses in information sciences and technology will give me the computer technology skills necessary in so many businesses today. In the area of business, I will learn about the issues that face businesses in today’s economy and enhance my problem solving skills. I will gain a better understanding of ethical decision-making in both my professional and personal life. This will enable me to have a better understanding of different cultures and ethics. Additionally, I’d like to gain proficient knowledge of the economic systems, business ownership, accounting and finance, business management, and marketing principles, business ethics and international business to help me better serve global businesses worldwide. As the emphasis in today’s society is all about going green and protecting our environment both in business and our personal lives, energy/geo environmental engineering will provide me with the information and knowledge required to understand the impact of an energy efficient society.
Primary Areas of Coursework:
The following courses will help me achieve my academic goal.
Theory/ Application: Marketing 301
This course will help me to understand the various needs both domestic and global in the current economy. The marketing aspect of the course will teach me how to target and market to specific environments that will utilize my services. It will also assist me in developing my products and services to meet customer needs.
Research Methods/ Projects: Information Sciences and Technology 110
This course will teach me the basic operation of information technology devices. This course will enable me to analyze the impact and understand the applications of new technologies in a new and emerging global economy.
Communication Skills: Communication Arts and Sciences 352
This course will be valuable in that it will teach me how to communicate in both form and informal settings. In the future, should I own and operate my own business for technology, I will need to be well versed in proper communication and be able to make sound and ethical judgments. It will provide the skills necessary to communicate with business leaders in an educated business community.
Critical Analysis: Accounting 211
This course will provide me with the skills necessary to analyze and predict certain financial outcomes. In addition, it will give me a better understanding of the financial management of business enterprises.
400 Level Courses:
EGEE 401 – Energy in a Changing World
This course will teach me about the increase in demand for international energy and the environmental pressures in a global economy. This course will provide me with the background needed to make intelligent decisions with regard to my environment and in the technology field as well.
IST 451 – Network Security
This course will give me a better understanding of the importance of network security to secure confidential information and data. This course will also provide the most current and emerging network security measures.
IST 454 - Computer and Cyber Forensics
This class will teach me techniques to protect the computer from cyber crime and the tools and techniques required to uncover the crimes. Computer and cyber forensics is utilized to secure and recover data within the computer mainframe in today’s society is a very marketable skills and will be very beneficial to me in this major.
MGMT 431
This class will be very beneficial to me as it will prepare me for business management and possibly owning my own business. This class will prepare me to write a business plan, market my business and the tools needed to be successful in business, industry and government. It will also prepare me should I decide to go into a management role within an established business and the skills necessary to be an efficient manager.
Additional Selections:
Philosophy 103 – Introduction to Ethics
This course will enable me to better understand the major aspects of ethics. In the business world as well as my personal life, there will be many times that I will have to utilize ethical reasoning for major decisions. The ethical traditions and similarities in different cultures will teach me that all cultures do not have the same values and ethics that we do. This class will be valuable to me not only in my professional career but in my personal life.
Psych 100
This class will provide the pertinent knowledge and skills required to better understand the behaviors of individuals in society. I will better understand the principles and gain the knowledge needed to better lead and manage people should I decide to open my own business. I will be able to utilize and apply techniques to enhance and build a team atmosphere.
Economics 2
This class will enable me to better understand the economy and give me the skills needed to solve problems related to the distribution of goods and services.
Senior Capstone Course INTSP 495A
For my senior capstone, I pursued a business internship at Sheetz, Incorporated, Corporate Office in the Telecommunications Department. Sheetz, Incorporated is a family owned convenience store chain headquartered in Altoona, Pennsylvania. Sheetz was founded in 1952 by Bob Sheetz. Since 1952, Sheetz has grown from a small dairy/deli to one of the fastest growing family-owned convenience stores in the world. Currently, there are 421 locations across six states including Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio and North Carolina. Sheetz employs more than 14,500 people.
My desire was to secure an internship at a business whose vision into the future includes equipping their employees with the most recent and best technology to serve their corporate needs and that of their consumer and the business world. As technology is ever changing, this internship would provide the avenues available to assist me in determining whether I want to further pursue a career in the technology field. My goal is to be a proprietor in a computer technology business or work in another company such as Sheetz where my education in business, information technology and environmental sciences, will be best utilized.
My position as a Telecommunications Intern at Sheetz, Incorporated is to support store level communications and networking equipment. As an intern, I will travel with a Sheetz team member to new store installations and provide support. My duties include the roll out of changes to store level devices, to complete new store installations and assist engineers with setup, testing and configuration of devices. I will also assist with service desk tickets for store issues and will be responsible for ordering the new systems and circuits for the new stores.
The skill set gained through my college business management, marketing and computer classes as well as the opportunity to work closely with Dr. David Barnes, my professor, will be the key to my success during my internship. Throughout the internship, I will be in daily contact with Dr. Barnes who will assist me with solving complex computer issues and guide me in troubleshooting. The marketing and business management classes will have prepared me to work in a professional business environment and continue to hone the skills I need to be successful and professional. My customer service skills will be refined. And I will become more sympathetic to solving issues with employees who tend to get extremely upset when their computers malfunction. My psychology class will have equipped me to better understand their behaviors.
Career or Academic Goals:
My program of study will provide me with a broad education in information technology, business and energy/geo environmental engineering so that I may pursue several different avenues of employment upon graduation. I would like to work for a large computer firm to gain consulting experience and then own and operate my own computer business. The business option will give me the education needed to operate a small business, while the education in energy/geo environmental engineering will provide the knowledge required to follow trends in the energy field and the knowledge needed to be environmentally friendly and efficient. My education in
information technology will provide the skill set needed for entry level consulting. Upon graduation, I’d like to expand on my computer knowledge while gaining hands-on experience.
I believe PSU has equipped me with the skills and knowledge required to be an energetic, positive and contributing member of society. In fact, Sheetz has offered me the resources to study to learn the CISCO system as there may be a position open upon my graduation.
I am proud to say, “I am a graduate of Penn State University.”