Clearances and Verifications Policy
For students completing the degree at Penn State Altoona
Upon approval of the education major, students are responsible for keeping valid copies of all clearances/verifications on file in 101A Cypress Building. All clearances and verifications must be renewed yearly and must remain valid throughout the entire academic year.
No student will be permitted to participate in any field experience without evidence of all required clearances and verifications on file by the first day of classes.
Non-participation in field experiences dramatically impacts a student's course grade and will result in failure of the course(s). There will be no "make-ups" for absences from field experiences due to clearances. Any student enrolled for any course(s) with field experience who does not have all annual required clearances and verifications ON FILE BY THE FIRST DAY OF CLASSES will be advised to drop the course(s).
Copies of the following clearances and verifications must be ON FILE with the program administrative assistant:
- Valid Act 34 clearance
- Valid Act 151 clearance
- Valid TB Test
- Evidence of Professional Liability Insurance
- FBI Clearance
- Mandatory Reporter Training
- Health Assessment (CI 295A only)
- National Sex Offender Registry (NSOR) (CI 295A only)
Obtaining required clearances and verifications
The reason for all clearances is employment. No volunteer clearances will be accepted.
Act 34 — Criminal Record Check
This clearance can be obtained online or by mail. This can be obtained online with a credit card at the Pennsylvania Access to Criminal History site. Be sure to print the search results from your computer, as nothing will be mailed to you via the online process.
Valid Act 151 Clearance — Child Abuse History
Application for this clearance can be submitted at the Child Welfare Portal.
Valid TB Test
University policy requires yearly verification of a negative TB Test. Students who test positive must submit proof of x-ray examination.
Liability Insurance
This insurance is available through private insurance carriers. Proof of insurance may consist of a letter or policy statement. The policy must include a reference to "professional" liability coverage.
The insurance is available through professional organizations, such as PSEA. The PSEA application available online at the PSEA web site with credit card. Cost for the insurance is $30 a year, concurrent with school year.
FBI Clearance
Register online on the IdentoGo site. Service Code: 1KG6RT
For more information, visit the FBI Clearances page on the Penn State College of Education site.