Penn State Altoona professor to offer lecture for military museum series

Brian Black

A blog written by Brian Black, distinguished professor of history and environmental studies at Penn State Altoona, was recently published on the Network in Canadian History and Environment website.

Credit: Penn State

ALTOONA, Pa. — Brian Black, distinguished professor of history and environmental studies at Penn State Altoona, will offer a lecture at the Pennsylvania Military Museum’s "History After Hours" speaker series.

Black will speak about his book, “Ike's Road Trip: How Eisenhower's 1919 Convoy Paved the Way for the Roads We Travel.” There will be a book signing afterward.

The lecture will take place on Thursday, April 10, from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Country Inn & Suites, 1357 East College Avenue, State College. This event is free and open to the public.
