The Research and Sponsored Programs Office at Penn State Altoona requests nominations of outstanding Penn State Altoona faculty mentors for the Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Award. We seek to recognize mentors of undergraduate students who have demonstrated excellence in the mentoring process, as evidenced by their impact on, and the outcomes of, their mentee’s personal and professional development in the discipline. Nominations will be accepted by current and former research students, and full-time employees (faculty/staff/administration).
Penn State Altoona faculty at any career stage with experience mentoring Penn State Altoona undergraduate students in co-curricular research or creative projects that contribute to the students’ personal and professional growth in the discipline. Some mentoring experiences must have occurred within the past five years. Preference will be given to nominees who have mentoring experience of more than two cumulative years and have mentored at least two students.
Application process
A mentor may be nominated by a current or former Penn State Altoona undergraduate research student mentee or a full-time Penn State Altoona employee. All nominations will be solicited via the online nomination form.
After a mentor is nominated, they will upload the following:
- A statement of mentoring philosophy and approach that demonstrates the nominee’s excellence in mentoring undergraduate students in research or creative activities. (two to three pages)
- A CV tailored to highlight outcomes associated with undergraduate research and creative activities, including internal and external support for undergraduate research or creative activities through contracts, grants, and/or fundraising, publications, presentations, exhibitions and/or performances with undergraduate student co-authors, and any other leadership activities promoting undergraduate research. (maximum of three pages)
- Names and email addresses from current or former Penn State Altoona undergraduate research or creative activities mentees who can explain how their mentor contributed to their personal and professional development in the discipline. (maximum of three different students, past or present)
- Name and email address of the nominee’s Division Head (preferably) or another faculty member with significant insight on the nominee’s excellence in mentoring.
Application Review
Application materials will be reviewed by the Research Advisory Committee and one nominee will be selected for the award. Strong nomination packages demonstrate excellence in mentoring in the following areas:
- Evidence of consistent research or scholarly activity and productivity involving Penn State Altoona undergraduate students (e.g., student presentations, exhibitions, awards, scholarships, co-authored publications)
- Innovative approaches to mentoring undergraduates in research
- Support of students’ educational and professional development
- Support of students through the mentor’s availability, attentiveness, encouragement, and understanding
- Assessment of the impact and success of the mentoring process on their students
- Active encouragement and support of the participation of students from underrepresented backgrounds in undergraduate research
- Going well beyond the average mentoring expectations for people in that department or at that stage in their career
- Any other relevant outcomes that demonstrate the nominee’s excellence in mentoring undergraduate students in research or creative activities