Yaw Agawu-Kakraba holds a Ph.D. in Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures from Cornell University as well as an MA in Spanish from the University of Alberta in Canada. His research focuses on 20th- and 21st-century contemporary Spanish fiction and Afro-Hispanic Literature and Cultures. He is the author of Postmodernity in Spanish Fiction and Culture (University of Wales Press), Demythification in the Fiction of Miguel Delibes (Peter Lang), and co-editor of Diasporic Identities Within Afro-Hispanic and African Contexts (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), and African, Lusophone, and Afro-Hispanic Cultural Dialogue (Cambridge Scholars Publishing). His scholarly publications have appeared in journals in the US, Spain, France, Canada, Japan, and elsewhere. He has co-organized for the past 14 years the biannual International Conference on Afro-Hispanic, Luso-Brazilian, and Latin American Studies (ICALLAS) held at the University of Ghana, Legon.
Research Interests
- Contemporary Spanish Literature
- Postmodernist Spanish fiction and culture
- Spanish Drama
- Afro-Hispanic literature and culture