Roselyn Costantino is a professor emerita of Spanish, women's, gender, and sexuality studies, and Latin American studies and a 2011 Fulbright Scholar at La Universidad del Valle, Guatemala. She received her M.A. from Montclair State University (1988) in Spanish Peninsular Literature with a focus on 19th-century Spanish and Latin American narrative, and her Ph.D. from Arizona State University (1992) in Spanish with specialization in Latin American theatre and narrative; Latin American Studies; and Women's Studies.
Her areas of specialization include Feminist Theory; Performance Studies; Rape in War; Violence against women and femicide in Guatemala; Latin American Writers, Playwrights, and Performance Artists; Latin American and Latina Women in creativity and resistance; Latin American Studies. Her most recent publications include Holy Terrors: Latin American Women Perform (co-edited with Diana Taylor. Duke UP, 2003); "Guatemaltecas Have Not Forgotten: From Victims of Sexual Violence to Architects of Empowerment in Guatemala" in Rape: Instrument of War and Genocide, Eds. John Roth, Carol Rittner; Femicide, Impunity, and Citizenship: The Old and The New in the Struggle for Justice in Guatemala (Chicana/Latina Studies 6.1 Fall 2006); "Politics and Culture in a Diva's Diversion"; "Youth Movements in Mexico: Indigenous Youth of the Zapatista Rebellion"; and "Preserving the American Way of Life." She is completing a manuscript, "There are many ways to kill a woman": Structural Deformities, Femicide, and Transformative Collaboration in Guatemala's Narrative of Extreme Gendered Violence. She is a member of the Penn State Altoona Arts and Humanities faculty; Women's Studies faculty; and the University Graduate faculty.
Research Interests
Women's Cultural Production in Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba
Women's social justice and sustainability movements
Sustainable agriculture and women's coops
Hydroponic/aquaponic farming and small women farmers in Latin America
Feminist and cultural theory
Impact of U.S. blockade of Cuba on women
Women on and in history
U.S. - Latin American relations