Verify your monthly enrollment using WAVE
Most students who are receiving Veteran’s Educational Benefits are required to verify their enrollment on a monthly basis to receive their monies for the previous month’s enrollment. Students use the WAVE Application on the GI Bill website to complete their monthly enrollment verification. All students receiving benefits under the following chapter codes need to use WAVE monthly to verify their enrollment:
- Chapter 30, MGIB-Active Duty
- Chapter 1606, MGIB-Select Reserve
- Chapter 1607, MGIB-Reserve Educational Assistance Program
Students do not need to use WAVE to verify their enrollment receiving benefits under the following chapter codes, as payment will be issued automatically:
- Chapter 33 Post 9/11
- Chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation & Education
- Chapter 35, Survivor’s & Dependent’s Educational Assistance Program
For students receiving benefits under Chapters 30, 1606, or 1607, it is the student’s responsibility to go onto the GI Bill website each month and verify that the current semester’s enrollment remains unchanged. Once you verify your enrollment, your benefits will be processed and you will receive your monthly payment. The process of verifying enrollment will take less than five minutes of the veteran’s time.
Link to the WAVE website.
If you are a first-time user, you will need to set up your pin/password. You can do this by reading the log-in instructions. Notice the icons at the top.
Once you have set up your account, log in by entering the requested information. If you do not know your file number, you will find it on all paper correspondence from the VA. Once this information is entered, press login.
WAVE Main Page
Select Verify Monthly Enrollment Status.
Welcome Back Page
Scroll down to the section that has Periods to be Verified.
Important: Students who have more than 12 credits are certified at 12 credits as it is the minimum required for full-time payment of benefits. If you are among the students who are enrolled for more than 12 credits and you just see 12 credits on this screen, go ahead and verify your monthly enrollment.
If the information in this section is correct, click Submit Verification of Enrollment.
If this information is incorrect, do not proceed. See your school certifying official immediately.
After you have submitted your verification, you will need to select Submit again.
Then you will see a confirmation page. We recommend that you print this page for your records.
The VA provides students with a list of anticipated payment issue dates depending upon the date a student verified their enrollment. From the above frame, select Click here (see green arrow) to view a chart showing anticipated payment issue dates.
Benefit Status
Selecting Benefit Status will give you information about the monthly benefits per the various enrollment periods, as well as your remaining entitlement, delimiting date, and last payment check or EFT.
Unable to certify
A screen will appear if you have already completed the certification for this current period.