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Laura Rotunno Devin Poplin

Laura Rotunno and Devin Poplin

Congratulations to honors student Devin Poplin (right), pictured here with Laura Rotunno, associate professor of English and honors program coordinator. In addition to participating in the honors program, Poplin was the student marshal for the Division of Arts and Humanities. Student marshals are chosen to represent their academic division based on outstanding academic achievement. Poplin graduated on Saturday, December 18, with a B.A. in English and a minor in dance studies.

Farmer's High School Pillar in back of HUB at Penn State

PSUstock: Farmers High School pillar in back of the HUB

When first founded, Penn State was known as the Farmers' High School of Pennsylvania. One of the pillars in back of the HUB on the University Park campus of Penn State shows the institution's early beginnings. The pillars, by renowned artist William Culbertson created this promenade along the HUB lawn that explores 150 years of campus life in honor of Penn State’s Sesquicentennial. The five pillars detail different periods in the University’s history and depict various aspects of student life, activities, athletics, and cultural events.