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A photo of a woman holding her hand out to stop a sexual assault

Sexual Assault Photo

Penn State Altoona will welcome Thadeus Graham to campus from 5 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 21, in room 101 of the Misciagna Family Center for Performing Arts.

Jan Beatty

Jan Beatty

Poet Jan Beatty will offer a reading of her works at 12:10 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 29, in the Titelman Study of the Misciagna Family Center for Performing Arts at Penn State Altoona.

Penn State Altoona's Lion Shrine statue

Altoona Lion Shrine

The Student Pathways to Undergraduate Research (SPUR) will host an informative session at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 14, in the Laurel Pavilion.

ASURF students present at University Park's REU Symposium on August 4.


ASURF students present at University Park's REU Symposium on August 4. From left to right: Madleen Anes (mentor: Allison Cornell), Brandon Fischer (mentor: MD Fazlay Rabbi), Emma Hoover (mentor: Juan Gil), Mallorie Keith (mentor: Yimin Zhu), Gavin Suter (mentor: Ed Levri).

ASURF students present at University Park's REU Symposium on August 4.


ASURF students present at University Park's REU Symposium on August 4. From left to right: Madleen Anes (mentor: Allison Cornell), Brandon Fischer (mentor: MD Fazlay Rabbi), Emma Hoover (mentor: Juan Gil), Mallorie Keith (mentor: Yimin Zhu), Gavin Suter (mentor: Ed Levri).