Documentary Poetry Anthology Submission Form

Call for submissions graphic

For I Witness: An Anthology of Documentary Poems forthcoming from Wesleyan University Press

Edited by Kwoya Fagin Maples and Erin Murphy

NOTE: Unpublished poems or poems for which rights have reverted to the author are preferred.

For this call for submissions, documentary poetry encompasses but is not limited to the following:

  • poetry that captures historical moments through an assemblage of media, such as newspapers, records, transcripts, and new technology
  • poetry of witness
  • persona poetry
  • found poetry, including erasures, collage, and centos
Postal Mailing Address
Postal Mailing Address
Title(s) of Poem(s)
Please submit up to three poems. NOTE: Unpublished poems or poems for which rights have reverted to the author are preferred.
Upload requirements
Has poem #1 been published previously?
NOTE: Previously unpublished poems are preferred.
Have the rights to republish poem #1 reverted back to you?
Upload requirements
Has poem #2 been published previously?
NOTE: Previously unpublished poems are preferred.
Have the rights to republish poem #2 reverted back to you?
Upload requirements
Has poem #3 been published previously?
NOTE: Previously unpublished poems are preferred.
Have the rights to republish poem #3 reverted back to you?
Please limit to 100 words.
Preferred Pronouns
(75-150 words). Please describe in detail your process and the sources you used in the poem(s) submitted.