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person's hand placing book in open slot adjacent to touchscreen

returning books to the library via remoteLocker

Items checked out from the University Libraries also can be returned using the remoteLocker. By following touchscreen directions including ID card swipe, a user can drop an item for return into a secure bin slot. The slot unlocks automatically, confirmed when a white light bar below it is lit. Once the item lands in the bin, it is considered returned. Library employees check the bin regularly so returned items can be made available again for borrowing.

three image collage showing touchscreen, swiping ID card and retrieved book with printed receipt

Interacting with the remoteLocker

Penn State students and employees may request items for delivery to the remoteLocker and can retrieve them — or select browsable leisure reading titles viewable through windowed lockers — by swiping their Penn State ID card, following instructions on the touchscreen and retrieving each item from a locker door that opens automatically. Retrieved items are then checked out to the user and a printed receipt is available to be retrieved in the black slot below the touchscreen.

tall metal locker system with central touchscreen and dozens of small narrow doors, some with windows to see book covers


The remoteLocker system managed by Penn State University Libraries’ Robert E. Eiche Library is on Penn Building’s third floor of Penn State Altoona’s Downtown Campus, directly across from the building’s rear entrance elevator.